Now you may be a bit perplexed by the title of this post, however it pretty much sums up everything I am about to expound upon. Sadly enough, one commonality that my husband and I share is being all to familiar with stomach issues. We both have constantly battled turmoil in this area and have tried all sorts of remedies to avoid these oh so fun adventures, yet unfortunately, have been less than successful in our endeavors. So after preparing a weeks worth of homemade vegetable soup for our lunches, Glenn and I have dubbed the upcoming month as “No Meat November” as sort of a health and wellness experiment.
Inspired by our success (and by the yumminess of our dish!) we have set out on a journey to cut out some very key ingredients of our diet….
For the next month (save Thanksgiving) we will both be vegetarians! And then after that we shall see. We plan using a lot of really fresh and local ingredients (mostly from the produce market at flea market of course) and will try to avoid as many preservatives as possible as well. One of our friends will be joining us on this adventure, and has chosen to go pescetarian, so we will have a some good support as well. It’s going to be a tough journey for sure, especially since fellowship and community so often revolves around food. We are up for the challenge however, and are quite hopeful for what the results may have for our wellbeing!
I’ve been pinning some yummy recipes on Pinterest in preparation, and have gotten a few cookbooks from a friend at work, but if you have any vegetarian recipes you love, please send them our way!

check with Amy Patterson – she has some great recipes (per her mom!)