It’s hard to believe that it’s been two and a half weeks since the surgery. It seems so surreal. While some remnants of discomfort remain (mainly when I sneeze or yawn) most movement is significantly more natural. Though scarves are very much apart of my future for a while longer as I naturally am a bit convinced that everyone can see the remains that seem to shout the story it’s hiding (and thanks to a certain fabulous friend for providing such an adorable one to the rotation!), I strongly believe that soon you won’t even be see it all. Dr. Heslin is incredible. Each time I swallow, it’s not there begging for a cough to loosen it’s grip. When I touch my neck, there’s no more lump protruding. And now that the glue is completely gone, all that’s left is a thin line concealing the stitches within that can barely be felt at the touch.
We met with the surgeon’s team again this past Thursday and everything looked great. The wound was already healing quite nicely, and I was cleared to resume activity! I will go back to work on Monday and start getting back into the swing of things slowly. There are still some things I will have to go easy with, but “normalcy” should return quite soon. And I couldn’t be more excited, thankful, and simply filled with joy. What a journey this has been…
The last time I posted about a two week period, I was driving 4 hours a day. This two week period however has found me bound to the house and far from the winding roads around town unless someone has been around (and willing) to take me. So I have taken it upon myself to be rather crafty and quite productive. After my sweet husband helped me to gather materials for all these projects and a much needed antiquing trip with a dear friend who came down simply to keep me company, I found myself armed and ready to take on the “stay-at-home-crafting-trophy-wife” role that a friend deemed my title during this time period. Some of these projects have been ones I have been meaning to do for ages now. Some are new finds from none other than pinterest itself. I kept myself busy for sure between these crafts and reading (I’ve started Love Wins by Rob Bell & Radical by David Platt) and must say that I feel quite accomplished! I’ve posted pictures below 🙂
While I have needed to be forced to focus on recovering and taking this time out to be still and not overdo, I am actually looking forward to returning to the hustle and bustle of the day to day. Especially after spending such an incredible weekend enjoying nature and just life in general with the most amazing husband there is. I am so thankful for this time and all that has come from this journey. It never ceases to amaze me how creatively the Lord shows His face, and I can’t wait to see what else He has in store for us.