Recently the question I have been getting is one of concern. Not only for my physical well being especially now that I am out of the hospital, but also for my emotional state. With everything that has been going on, my general response has been a generic one since I have been filled with such a myriad of emotions that have been rather difficult to voice. I can however say that in the midst of all these feelings, my answer to the question “So, how are you feeling?” can be simply summed into one word. Blessed. Completely loved, taken care of, and inexplicably comforted. Curious of course; wanting answers and learning patience in gathering them. Terrified quite honestly; I had no idea what to expect before the surgery, and even through the recovery process there are still moments of fear that come upon me. And large amounts of pain, naturally. But anger, not at all. Being angry for this experience would lessen the value of what the Lord has been teaching already me through it all. Especially when it comes to love and comfort. To be surrounded by such amazing friends and family that have not only expressed their care for me with such incredibly sweet emails/letters and silly text messages/pictures, but ones who have acted on that by keeping us busy with dinners, events, and outings to show their support as well. To have a husband who not only has been by my side for countless doctor’s appointments, but one who has embodied the very meaning of unfailing love through this seeming time of “worse” by holding me close and never ceasing to show how much he cares for me even with the most gentle kiss of the forehead when I needed it most. I am simply just incredibly blessed.

Oh Lauren! I had no idea. I am so glad to hear that you are doing well and that it was a postive outcome. I will be praying for you!!
Like Courtney, I had no idea…but I'm so happy to hear about the results! Praying for a super speedy recovery and no more tumors..ever!