As you may remember, last year the husband and I make a commitment to do “No Meat November” and go through the month of November as Vegetarians. We initially tried this as sort of a heath & wellness experiment, hoping to cure some ever-present aliments we both share. While the adventure seemed to fare better for me than him (he was always still hungry) we opted to try again this year and tweak were necessary for him to be fulfilled. Our only qualm previously was that November, for us, is filled with a great deal of celebrations. Aside from Thanksgiving, both our birthdays are in the month and these occasions are ones where we generally travel to see family we seldom get to visit with. Needless to say, celebrations with close friends and loved ones were a bit challenging since most restaurants are scarce in vegetarian options and most family members are avid meat eaters, making for difficulty in menu planning.
We chose October as it can be cold enough for soups, stews, and pastas (all great options for meatless meals) and since December posed much the same issue as November. We’ve dubbed this year’s challenge as “Off Meat October”. It was all we could come up with, haha. After some research, I discovered that October 1st is actually World Vegetarian Day and the month of October is Vegetarian Awareness Month. So we thought it worked out perfectly. We’ve even entered a pledge and been placed in a chance to win $1,000.
So here’s to a month without meat, full of veggies, and lots of discipline. Lucky for us, coffee and beer are always meat free 🙂