Every time we travel I always end up with a bag full of cords all mixed together and tangled as can be. Once I finally wrestle them into submission to charge something, I can never remember which ones we got out or which ones are even mine. Especially when pretty much everyone we know has some sort of apple device. So aside from keeping the cords gathered separately, I wanted a way to distinguish them from the rest. Ergo, my handy raffia ribbon. Simple, unique, and cute! Look at the difference!
And did I mention easy as pie? Cut your ribbon of choice & follow these 3 easy steps:
TP and paper towel rolls are great to corral longer cords. I’ve been doing this for a while with extension cords and the like, but wanted something a bit more fun… and well, attractive…for everyday use. I think it really worked out well! Here’s a shot of the other cords organized with TP rolls. So much easier to find the right cord – you could even label the rolls if you had similar cords in differing lengths.

This is such a great, simple idea and the solution to all our i-whatever cord problems lol! Love this! And. Love you blog- so love finding blogging friends who love Jesus! Following 🙂
thanks so much! i will have to check out yours 🙂