Yesterday we had a guest preacher speak at our service. Yet this was no ordinary guest. Instead of flesh and blood in front of us, we watched a video sermon. Now I generally do not favor these satellite type services, and prefer the intimacy of real life conversation, however I did enjoy the message he brought. I like it when a speaker, of any kind, provides words of wisdom, but also lays out an idea that needs to be molded. To be chewed on, tasted, and muddled over in your own life and not simply taken exactly as is. I believe that we need to examine these an other teachings and, dare I say it, question them, so that we can gain a better understanding. Now, I am by no means saying we should challenge everything we hear and debate it’s validity or truth, but rather look deeper into what was said, consult the scriptures, and apply it to our life. We can’t just hear or read something and have no evidence to support it’s claim. If we did, we’d be like that girl on the commercial who thinks she’s got a date with a french model because that’s what it said on the internet. “Uh, Bonjour?” Please. A healthy dose of skepticism goes a long way. But remember, as with anything, the key word is a healthy dose.
The speaker’s message was that the local church is the Hope of the World. Now I agree with this, but I think there is much more to it. He spoke of getting involved in your local church. Of the necessity of leading bible studies, small groups, and sermons and pouring your talents and resources into the local church. Of inviting your friends to hear the Spoken Word on a Sunday morning. That we needed to bring people into the church so they could hear of His love. Concerts, outreach events, youth lock-ins, and the like. While all of these things are wonderful and certainly the Lord works through all of these avenues, I believe that there is more to being the Light and the Hope of the world than creating events at your own home and waiting for people to come to you. If we stop here, I think we’ve missed the point all together.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 19-20)
The local church is but a part of the body of Christ that covers this globe. His Kingdom expands farther than the walls we so often try to contain Him to. We as believers and followers of Christ are living, moving, expenditures of this body. If the church is hand, we as it’s members are fingers. Yes, it is easier to invite someone to an event at the church and let the speaker tell of the Gospel. To let the band declare His glory. To go out in a team to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, or build a shelter. But what about the person who is jaded by church? The person who is opposed to religion, too proud to admit they need assistance, or don’t think they would be accepted because of what they have done? How will they see the Light of the World if we wait for them to say yes to an invitation or venture our way because of some fancy cookout or silent auction?
The speaker spoke of another truth that I fully agree with. We are ALL called to ministry. Yes, if you follow Christ, you are called into ministry. But contrary to popular belief, “ministry” does not always (or only) mean going to seminary or working at a church. It means that we are minister to those around us. To constantly serve as a witness to His mercies. Not everyone can be a pastor, a youth ministry, or a worship leader. Who then would be doctors, teachers, chefs, or the multitude or other professions that are needed to make the world run smoothly each day? No, we need people outside the church building to shine His light. To serve and love people through the mundane, everyday endeavors. To open our homes when someone is in need of a place to stay, regardless of whether is an inconvenience or not. To smile at the cashier and ask how their day is going instead of chatting on your phone. To forgive the waitress for bringing out the wrong order instead of ripping her a new one. To grab your coworker a cup of coffee. To invite a friend over for dinner and just listen to what they are going through. To remember that everyone has a story, and that every opportunity to love a neighbor is to show our love for Jesus. Then, perhaps, the Light of the World could shine into every depth of darkness on these feeble planet of ours though His disciples bringing His Hope to those who need it most.
The picture above is a snapshot of a card that was given to everyone yesterday. A commitment to starting each day surrendering everything we are to Him and offering up our lives in service daily. What could this year look like if this was our prayer each day? How much more could we bring light to the darkness if we stepped out into it, full force, “bringing it” to build His Kingdom?

This was really nice Lauren! I agree in so many ways. My husband and I make it a point to open our home to people at all times. We even have a Wednesday Night dinner and invite people of all ages and cultural backgrounds to come out just for some fellowship. He and I both lead Bible studies, but I LOVE when we get to go out and just be in the mix of people in everyday life. I'm in a position where I am constantly meeting new people. I travel a lot for work and I love that God is allowing me to be a light for His glory. It's our duty as His children.
Question: Is there a way I can get a copy of the card in the picture?
Great thoughts Lauren and I love the words on that card!
That's so great what y'all do on Wednesday nights! So wonderful that you both are always looking for opportunity to be a light for Him.
I'll see if I can get another copy of the card for you 🙂
Thanks so much Laura!
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Thanks girl! I'll be sure to check out your blog & the new hop! Happy Wednesday 🙂
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What a wonderful message and so simple!