This is a rather tough question, but one that I think can be answered in one simply phrase. No regrets, just love. My husband and I talked about regret in regards to the past and decisions that we had made at one point or another in both our personal and dating lives and I love what he had to say. To regret the choices we made are to ignore what we have learned from them and what they have made us to be today. If our choices had been different, we may not be standing here today. I completely agree that to look back on past choices and regret them is rather pointless. It’s already done, what can we do about it now but learn from it, change, and move forward? However I want to approach this question from the front end as it suggests, by addressing each point. The biggest thing I think I would regret is simply not putting forth all that I have to glorify the Lord in every aspect of my life. Not any one choice per say, but just not loving with all I am and serving those around me no matter what the situation. So, in breaking down this question, this is how I would answer…
What would I regret not DOING in my life? Not serving the people around me. Not taking every opportunity to show Christ’s love to every individual I come into contact with instead of “saving up” for missions experiences. Not being the Hope of the World to lady in line behind me at the store. The little kid I work with. The stranger who needs it most.
What would I regret not HAVING in my life? Not possessing utter joy and contentment from this life. Not having the ability to say “it is well” regardless of the circumstances.

Your husband is correct in his response. If any of us had changed any decision made in the past, would we be where we are right now?
I also agree with you. I would totally regret not being, loving, and doing everything God had in mind for me.
Love this so much friend!! I totally agree with your hubby on this. Me and my boyfriend were just talking about that and my mom answered like your hubby. If we didn't have our expirences we would not know how great we have it. 🙂 Love and miss you dear!