As you all know, I crave organization in every aspect of my life. I’m a busy girl, so this is key to helping me balance all the areas of my life. I have a planner that goes with me everywhere, a calendar on my phone that connects to my computer, a house calendar, and notebooks for everything so I can record ideas, meetings, to do lists, etc. So naturally, I try to keep my blogging world equally as organized as the rest of my life! That’s why I wanted to do a series of how to organize your social media. This can come in handy for any blogger, but especially those who have another job outside of blogging!
I will be covering the following 3 areas of organization:
Twitter & Instapaper
Facebook & Bloglovin
Scheduling Posts/Tweets
So for today, let’s talk Twitter! Twitter can be your best friend for promoting your blog as well as following along with others. You can find posts you want to read, giveaways you want to enter, pictures you want to view. Tweets are easy to respond to and short and sweet! So here’s a few ways to help you get the most of this form of social media:
1. Use Lists
If you’re like me, the twitter feed can be overwhelming to look at all at once. Especially if you can’t check it all the time. You end up missing tweets or just giving up looking all together because of how long it would take to look through them all. To make sure you see all the tweets you want if you don’t have as much time, you can make lists!
Step1: Log on to your twitter account online and click on the “me” tab. On the left you see a lists link (circled below). Click on this!
Step 2: Your lists will show up, and you will have an option on the right to “create list”. Click this!
Step 3: This will pop up and allow you to name the list, add a description if you choose to, and either make the list public or private. Click save when you are finished!
Step 4: After you have made a list, you can click on it yo view the lists feed. You can also view the members and get to their feeds quickly. You can add members to your list from here.
Step 5: You can also add members to your list individually by clicking the little person next to the account you are following for a drop down list and choose “add or remove from lists…”. Then you will see the picture below and you can choose which list to place them on! (you can do this on your phone too)
2. Utilize your phone
Download the app for your phone & get to tweeting! You can also view the lists you just created on the go. You cannot however create lists from the app. If you have an iPhone, you can tweet straight from anywhere you are without even opening the app. You can press the share button at the bottom of any picture on your phone or website in Safari and then hit the Twitter button. You can even have multiple accounts linked to your phone so you can choose which one to use!
3. Use Instapaper
This can be extremely helpful if you want to read something but don’t have time to do so at that moment! The app costs to download, however, I was able to get it for free as one of the Starbucks free downloads (Always go check out what they have for downloads – songs and apps!). Link your Instapaper account to your Twitter App to use this awesome tool. When you find a tweet with a URL that you want to read but don’t have the time to do so right then, swipe to reveal the options. Click the ellipses to bring up the menu to the right then click “Read Later”. It will save the URL to your Instapaper account and you can view it later!
Make sure you have downloaded the Instapaper App to your phone so you can use it on the go. Otherwise you can log in online at a computer. After you have saved a link to read later, pop on over to the app and click the “Read Later” tab. It will pull pull up all the links you saved so you can read when you get the chance! 🙂
So there you go! Simple steps to organize your Twitter & get the most out of it. Make sure to come back for the second installment of Social Media Organization where I will go over how to organize your Bloglovin, Email, and Facebook!
Let me know if you have any questions about any of this! I’d be more than happy to chat 🙂 And don’t forget to check out this weeks Coffee & Conversation if haven’t already!

Oh I didn't know about the Twitter lists! I just started using Twitter so this will come in handy so much! Thanks for sharing!
I am such a bad Twitter user! I did not know any of this was possible! So glad you shared, friend! Hope you are having a great week!
Hey… Just popping over and following on GFC from last week's Aloha Friday Hop. I would love for you to stop by my blog if you have time and if you like follow too. 🙂 Hope you're having a great week. 🙂
Instapaper looks really cool! Might have to try it out. I've also done a post about BlogGo which in my opinion is a better App than the Blogger App! Check it out if you'd like. 🙂
My Blog, Crystal's Beauty Corner