There are several people that make it into our lives for simply a season of time. And then there are the people who stick around for a little while longer. The ones who go through the good and the bad with you, and still choose to not only love you through it, but walk with you each step of the way. Even if those steps are from a distance. These are the friends you want to call when you get engaged. Share the news of your pregnancy with. Ask for fervent prayers from in scary situations. These are the people who you have so many memories with that you don’t even know where to start describing how much they mean to you!
These seven ladies and I have been through so much together starting in 5th grade. Though we all went to the same high school, we came from different middle and elementary schools, different backgrounds, and different areas, but one thing brought us together. Say what I will about First Redeemer, but it was certainly the place were a good many of the dearest friendships I have were made. Our random mix of girls were united every week at youth into a solid bunch that spent our four years at SFHS together practically attached at the hip. We were comprised of athletes and intellectuals. Together we were a apart of countless groups, committees, and varsity sports. To look at each of us you might have never put us together as vastly different a lot of us were. But that is the beauty of it. Over 16 years later and we still have a bond that centers on Christ and our love for one another amidst growing up, moving away, and becoming adults. And I am so very thankful for that.

Oh lovely memories . Though I am still attending high school but I am sure , some memories and people would stay with me forever 🙂
Noor @ Noor's Place
what a blessing!!!!
friends like that are the best 🙂
Lauren this is wonderful. You girls have a special bond that not many people ever have. How fortunate you all are. I know that regardless of where life takes you girls, you will always be lifelong friends. I know you all know how blessed you are to have such a special friendship. We missed you at the wedding!
Charlley (Ashley's Mom)