Hey y’allllll!! This has got to be the easiest project I have EVER done. First, I want to say that I loved “pin boards” long before they were cool. The virtual pin board now rules the world (Pinterest)<—Which I also LOVE. However, I am not ready to part with my real, physical pin board that I can actually pin real things and ideas on. Lol. I am actually laughing at myself. It’s kinda weird, I know. Sooooo…I have had this bulletin board since high school. That’s right. It was painted white with black fabric over the cork board and pink and white polka dot ribbon around the edges. Needless to say, I ripped all of that off =) and I was left with this…
Ugly right? I know. This lonely little bulletin board has just been hanging out collecting dust. I hadn’t really decided what I wanted to do to it yet. I was at Hobby Lobby (because I had a 40% off coupon and I had to buy something with it. Ha.) So, I always check out the fabric, just because. I found burlap in the fabric clearance! That’s rightttt! Just enough to cover my bulletin board! ANNNDDD it was only $1.20. Mmmm hmm. I was stoked. I also grabbed some ribbon which happened to be 50% off, and some spray adhesive. FYI: Spray adhesive is great for bulletin boards because it holds really well, but if you ever want to re-do it again, you just pull the fabric right off!
Brown is 1 and 1/2 inch. Green is 7/8. Both Grosgrain. |
It only took me about 30 minutes to finish this. I sprayed the cork on the bulletin board a few inches at a time so I could get my burlap on just right. Then I cut my ribbons to go around the edges. I used a lighter to seal the ends of the ribbon so they don’t fray over time. I hot glued my ribbons around the edge, starting with the brown since it was the larger of the two. Then glued the green and white right down the middle of the brown. The end. That simple. Here you go…
I love it!! |
Up close. |
Another view. |

Wow I love how you did yours with the border and everything, so pretty!
This came out super well! Jen-you are too funny!
Really great pin board!
All in a Soiree
Sparkles of everything design and events!
Love your blog! I would love if you came and looked at mine!