For me, I wish I could say not at all. I wish I could say that truly the ONLY opinion that mattered to me was that of my Savior. But I would be lying to you. More importantly, I would be lying to myself.
I am a quiet girl, pretty much a wallflower by nature despite my difficulties in cultivating a gentle and quiet spirit. I hate to be the center of attention, in part because I hate the spotlight, but in part because it’s putting myself in an unnecessary view to be ridiculed. I have talked with y’all before about trying to embrace my strengths and weaknesses, but all often the underlying factor to the pesky little habit that tends to consume my thoughts is that I am so far from confident that I crave the words of others to confirm that I am at all worthy in this world. To let me know I did a good job. That my outfit is cute. That I am loved. That I am accepted.
When I was in undergrad, our d-group read through the Five Love Languages and it was rather an eye opening experience as to why words mean as much as they do to me. Words of Affirmation was my top Love Language. That’s how I feel most loved – by the use of words. Now this should not be a shock to anyone who knows me. I love to write. I love to read. Words are such a huge part of my life, of course they would hold special meaning to me in regards to love and worth as well.
Over the past fifteen years I’ve been learning to embrace forgiveness and trying to begin being honest with myself. Attempting not to doubt everything I do. Everything I wear. And mainly my physical appearance and size. Confidence has never been a strong point of mine and I’ve certainly always been my biggest critic in every aspect of life. Ever look in the mirror and see something completely different than what’s actually staring back at you? Ever “feel” a certain way when no one else can see what you see? Ever see every little thing you could have done better instead of all the things that you did well?
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That’s me. And while I have been so fortunate to avoid an overflow of the harsh words of critics, the silence equates to every bit as much. And the kind words do more to build me up than one could imagine. My sweet husband is the one who has to deal with this most often and is the biggest encourager to helping me realize the truths that lie within all of the ridiculous nonsense I am all too good at creating in my head. I have no idea what I would do without such an incredible man to share this journey with.
And while I remember that social approval, whether it’s from co-workers, friends, family, or even my dear husband, is not what defines my worth, but rather that Christ does in the fact the while I was a sinner, he died for us. He dies for me. Not because of anything I did to deserve it. But to redeem us that we may know Him. So here are the words I need to hear. The words I need to focus on rather than the jumble of social approval I so foolishly seek.
I am chosen of God, holy and dearly loved (Col 3:12;1 Thess 1:4)
I am a child of God (Jn1:12)
I am part of the vine, a channel of Christ’s life. (Jn 15:1,5)
I am Christ’s friend (Jn15:15)
I am Chosen and Appointed by Christ to bear his fruit (Jn 15:16)
I am a joint heir with Christ, sharing his inheritance with him (Rom 8:17)
I am a temple & a dwelling place of God. His spirit and his life dwells in me (1 Cor 3:16; 6:19)
I am united to the Lord and am one spirit with him. (1 Cor 6:17)
I am a member of Christ’s body (1 Cor 12:27; Eph 5:30)
I am a new creation (2 Cor 5:18-19)
I am Gods workmanship & His handiwork & born anew in Christ to do his work (Eph 2:10)
I am righteous and holy (Eph4:24)
I am the expression of the life of Christ because he is my life (Col 3:4)
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I really, REALLY love this post. You've hit the nail on the head and beautifully articulated the way many bloggers probably feel (including me). Since you spoke for me too, I don't think I'll join the link up this week, but I will definitely think about linking up in the future. I really appreciate a focus on things that are more important. So thank you!
Amen to all of this…I am a 40 year old kindred spirit of yours! I get every word you wrote. Thank you for sharing the scriptures. It is only His Word that combats the lies that fight to intimidate me way too often!Blessings to you. Love, Rachael @ Inking the Heart
Testing 123 from a Blogger profile…
Testing 456! Third time's a charm, right?
This is such a beautiful post, friend! I am so thankful for your constant encouragement in this space time after time.
I am so happy to have stumbled across your blog and CC as well! I really needed this today and I know God has a reason for bringing it to me. I look forward to linking up more and doing the CC train with all of you lovely ladies! Thanks again,
You sound a lot like me! What a wonderful encouragement those verses are!! I also loved that cartoon of the difference between the prospectives of men and women…very true 🙂
Amen, girl! You speak that Word over youself!!
Yep, yep, yep. Great encouraging post!
That was awesome. I think that is how alot of people feel. They don't mean to seek approval but out of habit, and sometimes without realationship with God, they do. All that should matter to us is what God thinks.
This is SO good! It's so important to cling to those declarations of who we are in Christ!
I've been reading several other bloggers' posts on this same topic (and I wrote one myself a week ago), which tells me that God is trying to teach a lot of His daughters these important truths! We are precious in His eyes, not because of our own worth, but because of who HE is! I don;t have to try harder, pretend to me someone I am not, or feel sorry for myself when I don't add up. Instead, I can find joy in who God has created me to be and slowly, day by day, be conformed to reflect Him more and more.
I'm glad I saw your link through the "Blogs by Christian Women"!
Elena at elle-alice.blogspot.com