You may remember the last trip I took with Hands & Feet Ministries to Mexico. Well, the summer after my senor year of undergrad, I took my final International one week trip with Wesley as a student. It was a week long mission back to Mexico at the beginning of the summer, right after graduation, and before one of the biggest long term adventures of my life. There was a lot of emotion and reflecting during this trip, and so much that the Lord did through everyone involved. So back to Mexico we go…
This time, we ventured to the Yucatan Peninsula to serve the families on the outskirts of a very popular tourist region. Much like when we visited Jamaica, there was such a juxtaposition of wealth, power, and prosperity pushing out the hungry, homeless, and heartbroken from the view of the vacationers who were pouring money into the small paradise. Surrounded by Spring Breakers and Honeymooners lived the indigenous peoples who were struggling to survive between the lack of clean water and the failing shelter.
Our mission while we were there was to assist in building homes for those in need, utilizing cement blocks to ensure stability. We taught on the importance of clean water, how to make it sanitary to drink, and how to use the local vegetation to help nourish their families. We spoke on the importance of educating their children, cultivating good sportsmanship (through soccer of course), and of investing in the spiritual lives of their families by coming together as a community to worship. We sang songs together, broke bread together, and labored together in the hot sun. The tiny “hotel” we stayed in was complete with tiki huts, hammocks, and an abundance of tranquility. This community was one Hands & Feet and worked in previously, so they welcomed us with open arms, embracing our desire to show Christ’s love and participate in life together over the course of the week. It always surprises me that language is never truly a barrier when you share a smile & squeeze a hand, lifting prayers together to the same God, knowing that He draws us together.
While we did a good bit of construction on this trip, we also had a huge group of kiddos join us daily for our VBS time. We did a lot of crafts, coloring, bracelet making, and dancing. We also had a very talented lady on the trip with us that was particularly gifted in doing magic tricks. She would preform the trick to the group, explaining as she went along, and pausing for me to translate. Thankfully prior to our first “performance” one of the locals who also spoke English let us know that we shouldn’t use the words “magic” “trick” “magician” or any of the like as they equate that with being a witch, which is not something they see as a good thing – especially in the Christian Community. So we did “illusions” and “games” and had a blast teaching these kids fun activities, watching the surprise cover their faces, and the joy filled smiles as we laughed along with them.
We also, of course, ate at local eateries (enjoying some delicious cane sugar Coca Cola’s from the bottle), venturing the local markets, and sunning on the beaches after our work days. We certainly had a great bunch, with a lot of “veterans” from past trips so it was kinda a great last hurrah if you will. As with our other trips with Wesley, devotions filled our time, as did journaling the experience. This trip was the catalyst as well to the summer ahead for two of us as we prepared to leave for Russia & Latvia upon our return. You can read a bit from our blog here, but I will be sharing about that trip soon on here as well!
On our “vacation” day we went to see some of the Mayan Ruins in Tulum and visit one of the remote beaches. My goodness the water and the views were incredible. We hiked around, climbed to the top of a very steep, and not so steady, temple, ran across a lot of iguanas, and learned the history of the ancient civilizations whose remains were were photographing. I have seen a great deal of ancient architecture, but this certainly took the cake. It was humbling to be in the presence of such mastery that was still standing all these many years later. It was so ornate, but so simple at the same time. Truly breathtaking to behold.
Mexico will always have a special place in my heart. While living in Texas we ventured there frequently, slowly growing in my love for the Spanish language as we went. It was the first location I did a short term mission trip to, and the last as well with Wesley. How fitting for my week long trips with Wesley to come full circle as my time as a student completed? God is good. God is good.
What adventures have brought you full circle in your journey?
So awesome!! I love the photo's!
I went to the Yucatan last year and like other parts of Mexico, the contrast between rich and poor is striking. Mexico does seem to have a growing middle class though so that made me hopeful.
My husband served an LDS mission in that area a few years ago and LOVED it!! So much fun!