From waiting in lines hours before football games, playing cards & sneaking hot dogs and beers from various tailgates to the early birds who held our spots, to countless parties that somehow always involved ping pong balls, solo cups, and the infamous little green man. Spring break beach games, confessionals, excessive amounts of the Cupid Shuffle and Africa, and hands down the best dance moves you will ever see. Wednesday night dinners, pitchers at Little Italy, the porch at 17-16, and ‘golf’ at Mama G’s. Making any excuse to celebrate a “holiday” just to hang out, bringing our shakers to any and every athletic event, and rolling Toomer’s for every win – athletic or political. Sneaking onto the golf course, cookouts, impromptu slip-n-slides, and late nights telling stories, reliving the past, and planning our next gathering. Fireworks, champagne, and years of ringing in the new year that almost always end in some sort of disaster. Trotline, 17th Floor, Supper Club, and Sky Bar.

I absolutely love this post! It is wonderful and I agree 100% with everything that you said.
Words as Palindromes