Happy #fashionfriday! Welcome to week five and the final recap of the 30×30 challenge! If you missed it, be sure to check out outfits from week one, week two, week three, week four, as well as the 30 items I chose. Also, to see all of the outfits at once, head on over to the Facebook Page.
So after this month long challenge, here’s what I learned:
I like Target, Gap, and LOFT…alot.
I like mostly solids and stripes for my staples & add in designs with accessories.
I am always cold, and cardigans go with everything.
Scarves, statement necklaces, and ballet flats are my go to accessories.
I like mostly solids and stripes for my staples & add in designs with accessories.
I am always cold, and cardigans go with everything.
Scarves, statement necklaces, and ballet flats are my go to accessories.
When I wear things that fit really well, I am most comfortable
And when I’m comfortable, I’m confident.
This experience has really changed my outlook on my closet, my outfits, and myself. I am so glad that I took this on, and can’t wait to finish the last part of the process – donating the excess of what I didn’t wear, don’t feel comfortable in, isn’t quality, and that I can’t recreate multiple outfits with. I can’t to find a good home for those items, and slim down my closet to be not in excess. I would highly recommend everyone to try something like this!
Ok, so you know how I cheated last week on game day? Well this week I didn’t completely cheat as lounge wear & work out gear are not apart of the challenge, but I didn’t wear my weekend outfits (29-31) all day since I didn’t work on Fri (whoohoo) and the husband and I did a lot of outdoor activities so I wore workout clothes a good bit this weekend! Also, I added in outfit #31 since I didn’t wear last Saturdays outfit – and I just really wanted to wear the combo & it was with the 30 items 
shirt: Gap // mint skinny jeans: Gap // shoes: Target // necklace: 31 Bits (gift) //
bracelet: Camp // bracelet: made from wedding bouquet flowers (gift)
shirt: local boutique // cardigan: LOFT // jeans: LOFT // scarf: Plato’s Closet // boots: Target
shirt: Gap // dress: LOFT // scarf: Target // shoes: DSW // necklace: Target
(I wore black tights with this as well – not pictured)
Here are some other outfits I “created” but ended up not wearing for one reason or another:
(It was actually easier than I thought to create more than 30 outfits and I think they could pair to even more than I figured out as well so they could last a while without wearing the same outfit!)
There were plenty of items I didn’t choose but I just couldn’t wait to break out and kept longing for all month, especially after a few of my 30 turned out to be not as versatile as I thought. And that’s exactly what I wanted to come from this experience!
Have you joined in? Or done a challenge similar to this before? I would love to hear about it!