I was so excited to have come across Beth Moore’s newest devotional, Whispers of Hope. When I was in high school, I did a Beth Moore bible study with some girls from my youth group, and I have been a fan ever since. If you’ve been around this space much recently, you’ll know that I am always seeking books and devotionals that are quality material that will both challenge and encourage me in my journey. As a plethora of questions rush through my head, I am torn between seeking answers, discovering the right questions, and learning how to pray. Scripture tells us to pray without ceasing, but how in the world do we do that? How should we effectively pray to begin with? In centering my heart to the King, communication is certainly key, and this devotion helps to guide you in opening that pathway in your relationship with Christ. |
“Whispers of Hope teaches the process of powerful Word-saturated prayer in response to a daily bible reading. In turn, you will better understand how devotional reading and prayer are central to a stronger relationship with God.” One thing Beth writes that I could not agree with more: “I am certain of two things: prayerless lives are powerless lives, and prayerful lives are powerful lives.” SO much truth is found in this statement, and this devotional guides you to having such a life filled with prayer.
There are three features of this devotional:
Ten weeks (70 days) of daily devotionals. Each has a brief bible passage to read, and is a page long in total. Everyone has time for one page of reading
A daily prayer guide to accompany each devotion. The prayer format is broken down into P.R.A.I.S.E. (which she describes in detail in the intro) and helps to guide your written journey.
A place for answered prayers. There are two pages in the back to record answered prayers, as a reminder to prayers answered quickly, especially when we are still seeking answers to long term prayer needs.
Each day allows a time to center your focus and guide your thoughts as your pour out your heart. It is simple without being childish, thought provoking without being complicated, and above all, consistent with scripture. It is encouraging to have structure, and to feel a sense of community within the pages. Another fantastic addition is the section at the back for group study. And you all know how keen I am about community.
I would highly recommend this devotional for those interested in growing their prayer life and taking an intentional approach to spending time in the Word and in conversation with our Creator. Get your copy today and dive in, I would love for you to join this journey with me.
You can purchase it on Amazon or check out Living Proof Ministries
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book to review and I was not financially compensated in any way for this post. All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my observations while reading this devotion.