Looking through blogs and Pinterest, I stumbled across a few people doing 101 in 1001 challenges or other lists for new years resolutions when I stumbled across something that was perfect for me! The 30 Before 30 Project.
As my 30th birthday is coming sooner than later (about 2 years) I decided I wanted to tackle a list that ended on a pretty monumental date for me. So I decided what better time to start such a project than the beginning of the new year? I split my list into different categories, gathered ideas from personal goals already set, and from other lists I’d seen (because let’s face it, y’all have some pretty awesome goals as well!) and put together this ongoing project that will be documented in this space! I’ll have a link on my sidebar connecting to my 30 before 30 page where I will cross off each item as I complete it, add a note in blue, and share the link for each post as well if there is one. Be sure to follow along!
I’m pretty excited to accomplish these things, and besides, y’all know how much I love lists 🙂
For Jesus & the Kingdom
1. Finish Disciple 1 (read about the class) & take another Disciple Class/Bible Study each year.
(we are taking a short term bible study (Making Sense of the Bible) currently)
(we are taking a short term bible study (Making Sense of the Bible) currently)
2. Learn to pray more intentionally/start a prayer journal. (thanks to this devo!)
(while this is certainly a continuing process, I am being molded into a more intentional prayer life)
(while this is certainly a continuing process, I am being molded into a more intentional prayer life)
3. Commit to our tithe & giving to our church.
(if you’re in Bham & looking for a church home, Trinity has my heart)
(if you’re in Bham & looking for a church home, Trinity has my heart)
4. Actively participate in our church’s outreach & missions opportunities.
(I’m going to Panama for a mission trip in July!)
(I’m going to Panama for a mission trip in July!)
5. Pay for a stranger’s meal/purchase in a drive-thru or store at least yearly.
(I am constantly reminded of how financially blessed we are and how I bless others.
This is a continual learning experience & I pray my heart continues to seek out these opportunities.)
(I am constantly reminded of how financially blessed we are and how I bless others.
This is a continual learning experience & I pray my heart continues to seek out these opportunities.)
6. Volunteer at a local shelter/food bank etc.
We are volunteering with our Sunday School class at the Firehouse Shelter monthly serving evening meals.
We are volunteering with our Sunday School class at the Firehouse Shelter monthly serving evening meals.
7. Sponsor a child & build a relationship (and visit them if possible).
(Find out more about World Vision &
our precious new friend in Romania – join us in this journey?)
(Find out more about World Vision &
our precious new friend in Romania – join us in this journey?)
For Our Marriage
8. Celebrate our anniversary each year in a unique way & maintain at least one date night a week.
(We stayed at a historic hotel in Birmingham the night of our wedding & went back this
past year for our 3 year anniversary & will be making this our anniversary tradition for a mini “staycation” each year!)
(We stayed at a historic hotel in Birmingham the night of our wedding & went back this
past year for our 3 year anniversary & will be making this our anniversary tradition for a mini “staycation” each year!)
9. Join a small group/discipleship group together.
We actually started a Sunday School Class for young adults (married or not) called RELEVANT.
Interested? Find out more information here.
10. Visit all the “tourist” locations in our home town.
Birmingham Civil Rights Institute | Birmingham Museum of Art | McWane Science Center
Southern Museum of Flight | Vulcan Park | Sloss Furnaces | Ruffner Mountain | Birmingham Zoo
Alabama Sports Hall of Fame | Sixteenth Street Baptist Church | Oak Mountain State Park |
Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame| Railroad Park |Alabama Theatre | Regions Field | Good People Brewery | Red Mountain Park | Moss Rock Preserve | Avondale Brewery | Botanical Gardens
Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame| Railroad Park |
11. Take a cooking class together.
12. Travel abroad with the husband.
husband got a passport & trip is booked! post coming soon!
husband got a passport & trip is booked! post coming soon!
13. Experience both an MLB (Braves!) & NFL (Panthers!) game together.
14. Visit Auburn every year for AT LEAST one sporting event.
(tickets purchased 🙂 #WarEagle)
(tickets purchased 🙂 #WarEagle)
15. Go on a ski trip and/or an all-inclusive beach trip.
husband got a passport & trip is booked for an all inclusive trip!
husband got a passport & trip is booked for an all inclusive trip!
16. Train for and complete a 5K/other race/event together.
Ok, so the whole running thing is not really either of our favorites,
but we did participate in the Decked out Dash for The Arc & plan to do so yearly!
Ok, so the whole running thing is not really either of our favorites,
but we did participate in the Decked out Dash for The Arc & plan to do so yearly!
For Our Home
17. Create a coupon/money-saving strategy & document our savings.
(We have set up a great system for our family – see our guide here!)
(We have set up a great system for our family – see our guide here!)
18. Become as self-sufficient & “organic” as possible.
(We built a garden! And check out our canning!)
(We built a garden! And check out our canning!)
19. Purge our closets/house of anything that we do not need/use & donate (continually).
Have you heard about ThredUp yet? You should totally check it out!
Have you heard about ThredUp yet? You should totally check it out!
20. Save and organize all documents & photos (post coming soon on our organization system!)
& make ‘year in review’ photo books.
& make ‘year in review’ photo books.
21. Fence the yard in (& adopt a dog).
(read about the fence here – and meet our precious puppy too!)
(read about the fence here – and meet our precious puppy too!)
For Family and Friends
23. Send at least 30 snail mail letters & send care packages to overseas family & friends.
(got a new address book & address stamp for this!)
(got a new address book & address stamp for this!)
24. Visit allout of town family & friends.
25. Start/join a supper club.
We have fun friends 🙂
We have fun friends 🙂
26. Host a shower/party (or a few) for a friend(s).
games, Sunday school parties, summer shindigs, & more. we like hosting 🙂
games, Sunday school parties, summer shindigs, & more. we like hosting 🙂
For the Blog
27. Take a photography class & use my Nikon more.
28. Read at least 30 new books and write reviews on ones I’ve enjoyed.
(see all reviews here & 2014 book list)
(see all reviews here & 2014 book list)
29. Attend an Influence Conference or other blogger conference.
30. Do at least one “wordy” post a month (not style, recipe, review, or DIY).
You’ll prob notice I didn’t make a category for my professional goals –
I have more 30 in that category alone so I decided to keep that separate, but certainly expect more posts to come on my life as a BCBA in the new year!
I’ll be tweeting & instagraming this journey as well, so look for the hashtag #30before30 !
I would LOVE to know if you have a similar list so we can encourage one another!
Be sure to let me know the link to your list 🙂
I would LOVE to know if you have a similar list so we can encourage one another!
Be sure to let me know the link to your list 🙂