The husband and I always love a good trip to an antique store, estate sale, or the flea market for some awesome finds and amazing treasures on the cheap. But when we do something ourselves, and take on a little project, it’s even better! I had been wanting to find a cabinet of some sort for our dining room, so when we found this (giant!) gem just chillin’ on the side of the road – the creativity brook loose and I knew it was going to be perfect for what I had in mind!
When we got married we didn’t register for china (I think much to the dismay of a few family members) for sheer practicality primarily, but also because I have my grandmother’s china. Grandma Bear was one of the most important and influential people in my life and the pieces we have in our house that were hers are some of my favorites simply because they remind me of her. Though I didn’t get to spend much time with her in my adult life, I cherish the moments I did, and am so thankful for her example of what it means to be in fervent prayer.
After my first year at Camp Ozark in 2007, I stopped by to spend the night with her before coming home and I am so glad to have been able to spend time with her. While I was able to share with her, really for the first time, how much her faith had been instrumental in my own journey, I don’t think I was ever truly able to express how depth of her love meant to me. A few short months later near Thanksgiving, Grandma Bear passed away. To this day, I see her in the little things, and I smile at what she taught me and continues to teach me. A cardinal sitting on a tree, homemade jams & jellies, delicious homemade cinnamon rolls, and silent nudges to go to my knees and hand over my worries to the Lord.
So this project had special meaning to me because of what it will be holding. Grandma Bear never got to meet my husband, but I know she would have adored him. And his knack for helping to create the most incredible things in our house while being thrifty. The cabinet was actually in great shape considering it had been left outside for who knows how long. It was hand made originally, and once the paint was gone, you could see all of the different pieces of wood that went into making each of the doors. The husband did most all of the work when I was out of town, but I was able to help with the finishing touches. He cleaned, sanded, primed and painted it! We chose a matte blue/green color to go with a softer look, and replaced the handles with a more antiqued brushed look. We lined the inner cabinets with cork, and voila! Good as new 🙂
Grandma Bear’s china will go in the cabinet and my hope it to be able to use it when we have family over, especially at Thanksgiving, to remember the love and blessings of those who have gone before us, and who continue to guide us as we seek to glorify our King.
Do you have any projects that have special meaning to you?