You may remember a while back when I introduced you to Caroline who blogs over at JCaro, a dear blogging friend who I’ve been blessed to know through this little space. Seriously one of my favorite bloggers because she is honest, vulnerable, and genuine. Someone whose posts are both challenging and real, and feel like having a coffee date with an old friend. So when she reached out about her mother in law’s newest book, I was beyond excited to read it!
Jennifer Rothschild is a gifted author and speaker and one incredibly inspirational woman of God. She shares about real life, real struggles, and real faith. And she just so happens to be blind. Her relentless pursuit of God is more than enough to keep you reading, but her outpouring of joy is what is most contageous. Here’s a bit more info on who she is & why she wrote the book I just finished reading. She has an incredible heart, and you’ll find yourself visiting her blog daily.
In her latest book, God is Just Not Fair, Jennifer explores the questions we all want to ask. As painful circumstances arise, we all wrestle with the lack of understanding we seem to poses as to His sovereign plan. We struggle with pain, loss, and obstacles, lamenting to our Father, and asking, pleading “why?” with no tangible answer to hold on to.
I love the way she explains her heart during a time of despair, yearning for the Lord to guide her in prayer, where her faith was seemingly tattered during a season of difficulty:
“God, please give me the peace I once had. I don’t want peace that comes from intentional ignorance. I want peace that comes from you. Peace that is unexplainable. Peace that can afford to question but exist without answers.”
In this book, Jennifer explores some of the major questions we ask of God:
Are You Fair?
Do You Err?
Do You Hear Prayer?
Do You Care?
Are You Aware?
Are You There?
Broken into six sections, she not only explores these inquires, but how God answers our hearts cries. She speaks hope and strength into times of trial, and points to God’s purpose when we may lack the sight to see His plan, or our ears seem only to hear silence.
“Meaning can exist in the absence of understanding, even if the why of our circumstances is never answered.”
One of my favorite parts of the book lies at the conclusion of each “part” of question. Jennifer talks about the idea of your “Blanket of Faith” and provides “Threads of Truth” to mend our blankets together when we feel as through it may unravel, asserting God’s gracious heart that yearns to be in relationship with each and ever one of us. Each verse of scripture in these sections are perfect reminders of how God remains faithful to His children during every moment and each season of our lives.
I encourage anyone who has ever had a question about God, who has felt that life doesn’t make sense, or who simply needs hope during a season of trial and doubt to read this book. You will walk away encouraged, strengthened, and pushed to grow through the obstacles thrown your way, drawing closer to the One who created you and bringing glory to His name.
And as if you need an extra incentive to grab the book… check out these 5 BONUS GIFTS 🙂
So head on over to Amazon or B&N & order God is Just Not Fair right this very minute. And be sure to check out her website which has links to her books, speaking schedule, and other resources, or connect with her via social media:
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book to review and I was not financially compensated in any way for this post. All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my observations while reading this devotion.