I simply ADORE good music and have such a broad range of musical loves. The husband and I watch American Idol regularly, and past shows like the Sing Off without shame. And I somehow always know the lyrics to songs halfway through my first time hearing them. Honestly, I live as though there was a soundtrack to my daily life and I like it that way. Music and lyrics have such a profound way of speaking life into situations and telling the story events like no other. While I can’t hold a tune to save my life, and haven’t touched an instrument since the violin when I was little, I have such a connection to this beautiful form of entertainment that I couldn’t help but want to share it with y’all!
Favorite music recently (get ready for some randomness!):
I love live music and we’ve been able to go to a goo many concerts over the years, but these are certainly noteworthy for me 🙂
Mumford & Sons
We saw them this summer in Birmingham and it was just AMAZING. They are every bit as incredible live as on the soundtrack and I swear I could (and sometimes do) listen to them all day long.
John Mayer
We saw him in Birmingham during grad school and it was INCREDIBLE. Michael Franti & Spearhead opened and we found a new musical love as well so it was pretty much the best concert from start to finish.
Zac Brown Band
We actually got these tickets from the sister in law and had the most wonderful seats! SO SO good. And some fun opening acts as well! And fun fact: Zac Brown went to my high school in GA.
Michael Franti & Spearhead (who we’ve seen twice now!)
Saw him first with John Mayer and then at BayFest since we worked the event and he just has the most energetic and entertaining show there is! So much fun!
And I would LOVE to see these people live as well:
Drake White
10th Avenue North
Taylor Swift
Michael Buble
Jason Mraz
Philip Phillips
Other favorites at the moment:
Imagine Dragons
Of Monsters and Men
The Civil Wars
My favorite mix for work/studying are soundtracks & theme music to movies:
Harry Potter
Hunger Games
Pirates of the Caribbean
Sherlock Holmes
Explosions in the Sky
& Latin instrumental music
What kind of music do you listen to? I am always up for suggestions!