Series is a book review and study of Richard Foster’s Book, Celebration of Discipline. All quotes from the book are Foster unless otherwise denoted.
The Bible uses two different Hebrew words to convey the idea of meditation, having various meanings such as listening to God’s word, reflecting on God’s works, rehearsing God’s deeds, ruminating on God’s law, and more. “It is this continual focus upon obedience and faithfulness that most clearly distinguishes Christian meditation from it’s Eastern and secular counterparts.”
“The truth of the matter is that the great God of the universe, the Creator of all things desires our fellowship.” Adam and Eve were in constant communion with God before the fall. He desires our company, we are the ones who withdraw from Him. “But God continued to reach out to his rebellious children, and in stories of such person as Cain, Abel Noah, and Abraham we see God speaking and acting, teaching and guiding.”
The Isrealites preferred Moses speak to God on their behalf, because they feared this intimacy with Him (Ex 33:11). We likewise fear this intimacy. We don’t want someone knowing everything about us – what if they don’t like what they see? But the fact is that God already knows everything – and he loves us unconditionally. And in Jesus we have the ability to have that intimate relationship. “In his intimate relationship with the Father, Jesus modeled for us the reality of that life of hearing and obeying.”
This is the biblical foundation for meditation: “Jesus continues ‘to do and teach’ even if people cannot see him with the naked eye (Acts 1:1)” – through the Holy Spirit. He is working in the lives of those who believe to bring about the Kingdom of God here and now as it is in heaven. As we hear the word of God, are moved by the spirit, and chose to obey, we act in love.“What we see over and over again is God’s people learning to live on the basis of hearing God’s voice and obeying his word.”
The Purpose of Meditation
These are four common misconceptions about Christian meditation that tend to keep believers from practicing this particular discipline.
To recap all of the spiritual disciplines from Foster’s book, check out the full series: Celebrating the Spiritual Disciplines