Series is a book review and study of Richard Foster’s Book, Celebration of Discipline. All quotes from the book are Foster unless otherwise denoted.
Being the dork that I am, I was practically elated when I first read about the spiritual disciples to see that study was one of them. I love to read, I love learning, and yes, I was am obsessed with back to school displays at Target and getting new notebooks, folders, pens…the works. I’m still that person who writes everything down and needs a paper planner, so the idea of increasing my knowledge in regards to scripture was huge at a time when I only knew of my relationship with God to be one of emotional attachment.
Understanding the text.
Interpreting the text.
Experience from and in our daily lives.
Utilizing other books.
To recap all of the spiritual disciplines from Foster’s book, check out the full series: Celebrating the Spiritual Disciplines