Series is a book review and study of Richard Foster’s Book, Celebration of Discipline. All quotes from the book are Foster unless otherwise denoted.
This topic is one that I yearn for the most. I relish the days of simplicity in my time out of the country, surviving living with only what we needed, free from superfluous items that all too often tend to cloud our judgement. And while I desire to unclutter my life, I am caught by the very real truth that I have a propensity for hanging onto things that have sentimental value. Which generally leads me to the question as the years pass – Do I really really need that item to maintain my memory of the event? Do I really need that outfit from middle school simply because it fits? Do I really need that paper I wrote in Spanish class on penguins? And if I’m honest with myself, I don’t need these things. And that’s the real point here.
To recap all of the spiritual disciplines from Foster’s book, check out the full series: Celebrating the Spiritual Disciplines