Well hey there! I’ve noticed a lot of new faces recently, so I wanted to start a series called Meet & Greet to introduce you to the family behind the blog. While I (Lauren) am the only one who writes here, I’d have nothing to write about if it weren’t for my wonderful life full of the most incredible people! So this series is geared at showing you a glimpse of our lives and will be broken down over the coming weeks. Here’s what you should be getting excited about:
Meet & Greet Series
The Elliotts
that’s us (& this post!)
The Fur Children
Samantha (the kitty)
Riley (the puppy)
The Elliott Homestead
Simply Free Blog Home Tour
So let’s get started shall we? Grab a cup and we’ll have a virtual coffee date 🙂
Hey! I’m Lauren. Welcome to this little space. We’re so happy you’re here. 🙂 When I’m not working as a BCBA, I am reading, blogging, or basically pretending that I am Hermione Granger. This ruggedly handsome man is my husband. We are newlyweds who enjoy conquering the outdoors together with precious furry animals, all things sports related, and mastering new recipes in the kitchen. I also love to travel, be crafty, and support companies that are making a difference in this world. I hope you will join me as I grab a cup of coffee, slip on my TOMS, and venture out into the world to love and serve others as Christ did!
And come back the next two weeks to see more of of precious fur children as I continue this series of Meet & Greet by introducing each of them and telling the stories of how we welcomed our two little ones into our family. Then you’ll want to be sure to stick around for the Simply Free Blog Home Tour that will be gearing up this fall as well. I’m telling you, lots of great things coming your way on the blog!
New to this space?
Head over to the about page to see why this space exists, how the name came to be, and a list of favorite posts. Or check out our love story 🙂 And don’t forget to explore some of the current series listed in the sidebar as well!
I would love to get to know you! Introduce yourself & share a link 🙂