Determine your level of involvement | Depending on your views on Christianity & being a servant, you will want to determine if you will be giving something up, taking something on, both, or if Sunday s will be a “cheat” day. You should think about the logistics before diving in so you are set for success in what you choose!
Educate yourself | If you’re like I used to be, you might need to first focus on what the season of Lent is really all about in preparation for Easter and the Resurrection of Christ. Or perhaps you want to take this season to dig into scripture and learn more about the Bible in general. Whatever you want to learn about, increasing your knowledge during this time is a great idea.
Give something up | Fasting from a food or drink item, social media, etc. that might be consuming your time and taking your focus away from your relationship with Christ.
Take something on | Consider diving into the Spiritual Disciplines, perhaps even taking on one a week, and growing in your faith.
Partake in the sacraments | Attending an Ash Wednesday Service, joining for communion, reciting the creed or Lord’s prayer; these are things the church universal does together so when you join in, you are joining in with other Christians throughout the world and there is such a powerful beauty in that connection.
Get on your knees | Now you don’t have to literally assume this position, however being active in prayer is something to pursue during Lent.
Get rid of clutter in your life | It’s sometimes hard to focus on your relationship with God when you have so much stuff lingering around you. One way is to go about simplifying your material items and donating the excess. You can also focus on simplifying your closet, or just general decluttering of life!
Share your ideas | Here’s some great ones from last year by RHE – 40 Ideas for Lent
Take one day at a time | Remember that His grace is new each day and if you failed yesterday, there is no need to give up. Refresh yourself on ways you can grow daily in your faith during this process and know you’re not alone!
Get a buddy | Now hear me on this, I’m certainly not saying you should plaster what you’re doing all over the internet, but it’s always better to have a friend who knows what you’re going through. Not only does it help with accountability, but allows for the opportunity to for conversation, help, and encouragement throughout the journey!