Y’all know my love for books runs deep, so when I have the opportunity to share with y’all ones I’ve recently read I jump on it! Like this space, my reading tends to span a wide variety of topics, and even within those topics I tend to have some diversity. So I was excited to read Tammie’s book More: From Messes to Miracles.
We are all created to crave more. And Tammie shares, through her story, of moving from the messes we all too often find ourselves in to the beauty and the miracles that the Lord has in store for us. Of moving to the “more” we find when we are in relationship with Him. I liked this book because it felt like listening to a friend. And sometimes, the way in which the gospel is shared most convictingly is through the voice of someone just like us – broken, struggling, human – rather than through deep theological rhetoric. In a time where I am continually pouring into how to remove the hurry from life that separates me, and makes life messy, MORE was an avenue for the Lord to speak into me that I too was created for so much more than I can even begin to imagine.
One of the things I loved most about the book, was at the beginning of each chapter there was an adorable and empowering quote to set the tone. A beautiful way to continually remind us throughout he book that we are meant for so much more. I’m so excited for y’all to see a glimpse into the heart of this woman who has conquered so much through Christ, and join us for a Q&A below:
Q & A with Tammie
1. What do you want readers to learn from reading your book?
People everywhere are looking for something more. Churched and non-churched alike. They’re in the grocery store aisle behind you, in the nail chair beside you, singing praise songs in front of you, and perhaps in the mirror staring back at you. People feel messy; plagued by looming feelings of ineffectiveness, indifference, depression, and purposelessness. However, all of us were made for more than surviving. Old stale religion never satisfies. Neither do the solutions the world has to offer. What all of us need is an encounter with God that reveals truth and sets our hearts ablaze. I have seen this in my own life as well as in countless lives around me.
2. Your life was a bit of a mess before you came to know Christ. How has He used your story to advance His kingdom?
I have watched God use my story repeatedly as a tenderizing agent for hardened hearts toward God. People cannot believe what God has done for me. In turn, I have also been privileged to lead many people to Christ, to the One who changed me. People are glad to know God loves and pursues even the messiest of people.
3. What encouragement do you have for men and women who feel like their lives are too messy for God to use?
If God can use me, He can use anyone! But even more profound than “He can” is this: He wants to! God specializes in taking the most broken of lives and turning them around for His glory. The Bible is full of broken men and women who, after encountering the Lord, were used dramatically by God and for His kingdom.
4. What encouragement do you have for men and women who are yearning to have more in their lives?
The more we’re longing for, at the end of the day, is God. More of His presence. More of His love. More of His power. And so on! What I want men and women to know is God wants “so much more” of us than we could ever want “so much more” Him. The deal is, we must risk making more room for God. The key is sitting with Him, soaking Him in, allowing Him to minister to us on a deep level and, lastly, deeply surrendering our lives to Him day-by-day.
5. What are some resources for readers who are ready to take the next step and start living for more?
I have written a Bible study called Duty or Delight: Knowing Where You Stand with God. I think that would be a great resource for digging deeper into more of a relationship with God.
Another way to start that process? Grabbing your own copy of her story today! And be sure to enter for a chance to win your copy!! What’s your newest book that you’re eager to share? Join us for #TuesTalk and link up and share!
Connect with Tammie via the links below as well 🙂
Becky from BYBMG | Beth from Our Pretty Little Girls | Whitney from Polka Dot Place
Elizabeth from All Kinds of Things | Tara from Mrs.Coach Sims | Keri from Living In This Season
Sarah from Abiding In Grace | Lauren from Simply Free | Andrea from Mitchael Journey
Jessica & Katie from Sweet Little Ones | Mandy from Almond Place | Teressa from Teressa Jane
Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post but did receive this book to review, however all opinions are my own based on my experience with this book.
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