The home tour returns! Welcome to one of the places we spend most of our time – the kitchen! This was one of the things we loved most when we first saw this house – the open floor plan from the kitchen into the living room. We LOVE to entertain, and being able to have a large space like this has been perfect for that because it adds a lot of extra seating, and the island is perfect for serving appetizers & such.
Since these pictures were taken, our fridge died & the one we got is just perfect for this space – french doors withe freezer on the bottom & a water dispenser inside the fridge. Y’all, I’m so obsessed with it I may just do an entire post on how incredible & spacious it is. It was well worth the obnoxiously long wait we had for it to arrive.
One of the random elements in this space is that above the fridge is home to the champagne bottle from the night of our wedding & my bouquet is in a vase as well. A lot of our decor may seem random, but the majority of it has sentimental meaning to us which I love. Another example are all the items on the cabinets – they are my mom’s from when I was growing up, as are the bar stools.