gender: we are having a GIRL!!!! details on the gender reveal to come soon 🙂 we are beyond excited!!
maternity clothes: thinking it’s about time to cave as I need a wedding appropriate dress that isn’t too short thanks to growing boobs & bump hiking it up!
movement: nothing discernibly the little, but still more aches and ligament pains
sleep: waking up to some leg cramps, but otherwise sleeping well.
nursery: oh man, Pinterest has a plethora of ideas! Hoping to sit down this weekend and sketch out a few ideas for a little girl nursery 🙂
craving: nothing really except pumpkin everything still (though I’m not sure this has anything to do with little one…)
symptoms: Tired. The nausea has returned a bit. Less emotional though! Really starting to show a bit of a bump now which is exciting!