size of the baby: a cantaloupe – 10.5-11.8 inches & 12.7-20.8 ounces
gender: we are having a GIRL!!!! we are beyond excited!! It’s been so much fun going through names too 🙂
maternity clothes: if the weather would just cooperate my wardrobe would def be leggings & tunics from here on out! I’m certainly in a comfort mode but want to stay cute and not sloppy especially for work. Fortunately, all my cardigan still fit so that’s been nice 🙂
movement: She’s pretty active right when I lay down to go to sleep – maybe I can just feel her move then because I finally am still – but it has been so neat! Glenn still hasn’t felt her yet, though, so that will be exciting when he does too!
sleep: waking up to some leg cramps especially if I stay on one side for too long, but otherwise sleeping well. Missing sleeping on my back!
nursery: we’ve nailed down a color scheme & now are focusing on the details before we get it all set up – searching for paint for the crib currently & deciding when to paint the room itself!
craving: salads. Like a fried chicken salad from Niffer’s with Mexicali dressing. And I don’t even remember the last time I ate there! And I think this is my first real craving and it’s something from Auburn that I can’t even get here – go figure!
symptoms: some fatigue but otherwise feeling great!
glenn is: the voice of reason to focus on the search for a daycare & a pediatrician while I’m over here swooning over nursery ideas 🙂
looking forward to: Christmas decorations! We put all of ours up this past weekend and I’m loving it! And late birthday celebrations coming up too as well as holiday parties beginning! It’s going to be a busy month full of celebrating 🙂
best moments: Hearing all is continuing to go well at my 6 month check up! And putting up decorations – I always love the way the house smells when we have a real tree!

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