size of the baby: cauliflower – 13.6-14.8 inches & 1.5-2.5 pounds!
gender: we are having a GIRL!!!! we are beyond excited!! It’s been so much fun going through names too 🙂 soon we shall decide!
maternity clothes: if the weather would just cooperate my wardrobe would def be leggings & tunics from here on out! I’m certainly in a comfort mode but want to stay cute and not sloppy especially for work. Fortunately, all my cardigan still fit so that’s been nice 🙂
movement: She’s pretty active right when I lay down to go to sleep – maybe I can just feel her move then because I finally am still – but it has been so neat! And some days she’s just been doing somersaults all day! Also, Glenn finally felt her move the other night too!
sleep: leg cramps have gotten so much better since the addition of my iron pill (last visit they found out I was anemic). Sleeping pretty well!
nursery: we’ve nailed down a color scheme (so pumped) & now are focusing on the details before we get it all set up – searching for paint for the crib currently & deciding when to paint the room itself while I browse for the details.
craving: nothing really – I have had salads every day for lunch this week from last weeks craving, but nothing new has popped up!
symptoms: some fatigue but otherwise feeling great! Continuing to grow so just general movement issues as things are becoming more difficult due to sheer size of my expanding belly & boobs.
glenn is: the voice of reason to focus on the search for a daycare & a pediatrician while I’m over here swooning over nursery ideas 🙂 Though I will say I’ve made a good many calls/inquires and am excited with our progress.
looking forward to: Birthday celebrations with friends & our work event coming up! Also getting things together for little one’s nursery!
best moments: feeling her move throughout the day 🙂