Five years ago on the 15th I married my best friend! Cliche, I know, right? But it’s the truth.
Over the past five years we have been through so many amazing things together that have been incredibly exciting. We’ve had so much to celebrate with jobs, our house, finding out we were going to become parents, and the list could go on for days! While I knew rejoicing in the good is always something we have done together, I can’t imagine anyone else I’d want to share in the joy of this life with. When I say my husband is my biggest supporter, that still only scratches the surface of just how much he roots for me on a daily basis. He is not only encouraging, but also challenges me to be the best version of myself in every area of life. I am forever grateful for his honesty, love, and laughter daily!
While the good times have been abundant, we’ve also had some that have been more than terrifying. From health concerns for each of us, to grieving the loss of family and friends, to simply stubbornness of our own, we have not only experienced but conquered struggles in these past five years. On our three year anniversary I wrote about not your typical marriage advice noting that marriage can go wherever you chose, that it takes work, and sacrifice. It has been in the times when tragedy has struck that have truly exemplified to me what it means to journey through life with your best friend. Someone who can hold you while you cry. Listen when all you can do is break down. And help you pick up the pieces and put it all back together again. Someone who will fight alongside you and struggle right there with you. I can’t imagine doing life with anyone else.
These past five years as a team of two have been more than I could ever have imagined and I can’t wait for our newest addition to join us in May as we learn together what this next chapter holds! Though I find it impossible, I love you more now than I loved you then. #teamelliott forever.