1 | An organized planner! If you’re anything like me, organization is a must for an agenda. Have a calendar and a place to write notes all in one ensures that I never miss a meeting and can see all of my appointments for both work & social events all in one place so I never double schedule or over book. And organization doesn’t have to be boring. My latest agenda is truly a testament to that!
2 | A smart phone or tablet. I am always checking emails and viewing documents on the go so my iPhone and our iPad have become hugely instrumental in keeping up to date with things in the office when I am out on a visit for potential new clients or checking in on our other locations. Being easily accessible is key when you have employees that need to get in touch with you as well!
3 | A good cup of coffee! Between work & other activities throughout the day I am always on the go. So starting my day off with a quick cup of coffee is key. Ever since I got the 2.0, the only thing I have wished for was a way to be able to make a cup from one of the blends I love that don’t come in K-Cups. The husband isn’t much of a coffee drinker, so sadly my exotic blends were being neglected. Some from local shops, and others from all over the world. But thankfully now there is the My K-Cup so not only can I do a single cup of my favorite blends, I have so much more variety with decaf options as well. I love how easy it is to use and that it just snaps right in!
4 | Some adorable mugs for said coffee. There’s just something about the perfect mug that makes that delicious coffee even better. I have both traditional mugs and travel mugs that I use from home, and a few that I keep at work too for use with my coffee station in my office (yes, obsession is a good word to use here). No need to get a boring disposable cup when there are so many gorgeous options out there to chose from!
5 | A fitness tracker. Back to that on the go part of being a working woman…whether you are single, married, or have kids, you are juggling a lot between work and social life and often times exercise may get put to the back burner. Having a fitness tracker helps you to stay motivated to get up and moving if your scheduled is slammed, and keeps you focused on getting those steps in and staying fit! I have a Fitbit and love it. Especially as there are accessories that “class it up” a bit to go with my professional attire too!
Are you a working woman? What are your go to essentials?
Disclosure: I received the My K-Cup complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes. All thoughts and opinions are my own, however, and are solely based on my experience with this companies and their products. Subsequent social media posts are also considered entries for various #contest opportunities.