size of the baby: a pumpkin – 18.9-20.9 inches & 6.2-9.2 pounds! Dr. says she’s likely in the 6-7 lb range
gender: we are having a GIRL!!!! we are beyond excited!! Miss Emma Katherine
maternity clothes: still rotating the same few things around – cardigans are doing wonders to stretch the basics! It’s getting warmer though so I’m trying to hold out on the few dresses I have that fit!
movement: she seems to have dropped a bit so the movements are lower these days. Late at night and early in the morning are her most active times, but she moves around a good bit during the day too! It’s still crazy to look down and she her moving!
sleep: still not sleeping too well – just can’t get comfortable after about an hour or two. Lots of flipping from side to side. I’ve made a pillow fort or sorts to prop up and that has helped a bit though!
nursery: complete and ready for little miss to arrive! Full reveal to come soon, but I’m pretty much obsessed with how it turned out
craving: Strawberry. Abita. Beer.
symptoms: Lots of tightness! Still swollen for sure, and the heartburn has ramped up a bit. It’s now starting to get uncomfortable to walk for very long.
glenn is: feeling good! Excited to meet our precious little girl! All about installation of the car seat and such too so that has been good!
looking forward to: this weekend is one of my favorite work events, the Shamrock Shindig! If you’re in Bham, you should totally come! Also, planning to make a headband/bow display this weekend to keep all of Emma’s precious hair accessories so I’m excited about that!
best moments: super nerdy of me, but I have everything caught up at work and in line for while I’m out so I am pretty pumped about that! Also, I ordered the most precious headbands for Emma and I can’t wait for her to wear them!