Three whole months have already passed and it’s crazy! She is growing like a weed which we are loving. And she’s so long! Hard to believe we’ve come from weight checks every week to little leg rolls 🙂 She has really started to explore her environment and grab things within reach. She loves watching and listening to her mobile in her crib and on her play mat. She’s also lifting her head up like a champ in tummy time and pretty much all the time when we’re holding her upright. She loves being able to look around at everything! She’s making all sorts of cooing noises and smiles like crazy when we coo back. It’s the cutest thing ever. She’s started enjoying bath time, especially at the beginning just sitting in the warm water. She’s definitely still a snuggler and loves a good swaddle! I found these great little gloved “cardigans” and they have been quite the success to wear with her short sleeve onsies – not to mention completely precious too!
- 10 lbs!
- 22 in
- breastfeeding, pumping, and formula
- moved into 0-3 month clothing! some newborn stuff still fits & some 3 mo fits – sort of in between sizings!
- moved into size 1 diapers – newborn are a bit snug but again in the in between right now
- afternoon snuggles with mama
- lifting her head up when you’re holding her
- daddy’s silly songs
- watching her mobile
- cooing back and forth
This month has come with a lot of firsts! She came to meet all of daddy’s coworkers and then all of mommy’s on another day and was well adored! We found some cool gadgets this month! (Check out all our faves here.) The shopping cart hammock made grocery shopping alone a piece of cake, your cocoon swaddle was a success, and daddy even learned how to use the solly wrap! Mama went back to work and little miss started at day care. It’s certainly been harder on us than on her! I literally cried the entire first day. She’s got some great teachers and lots of fun things to do each day from play mats, swings, and bouncers, to crafts (!) character lessons, and bible verses though so we know she’s having a good time! It was also the first time mama and daddy left for the weekend and were away from our little girl. She spent two nights between the grandparents at our house (which was so nice that they could stay there and keep her schedule) and overall it went well! She also got her first little head cold and is not a fan of having a running nose – no matter how many times we suck that snot out it comes back in full force! (Which ps – the nose frida, albiet disgusting, is a lifesaver.)
- runny noses
- being hangry
- lotion