Earlier this week I returned to work after 12 weeks of being away and being home with my little tiger. It’s crazy to think that it’s already been that long! I was extremely fortunate to be able to take as much time as I did, and also to be able to work from home a bit while I was away so that I could remain connected.
Heading back to work has been an interesting experience. It’s been both harder and easier than I thought it would be. Harder to leave her at day care than expected (I literally cried the whole first day). Yet easier to get back in the swing of things at work than I could’ve imagined. It’s a balancing act this thing of being a working mom. Recently I’ve learned that no matter what you do in life people are going to have opinion about it. All throughout my pregnancy this is quite evident. And now that Emma is here, it is again. Judgment seems to flow more freely when you become a parent. People have opinions on everything – how you gave birth (vaginally or C-section), how you feed your child (breast-feeding or formula), what you do with your life (staying at home or working elsewhere), and even what diapers you choose (cloth or disposable). I mean, everything. And their opinion, is of course, the right one. And while knowing that everyone has an opinion and that people are judgmental doesn’t change what’s best for our family, it also doesn’t change the fact that emotions can come into play. It’s hard enough as a new parent trying to determine what’s best for your child, then add on top of that the scrutiny of outsiders – well it makes for an emotional time.
More than once since I dropped Emma off at daycare that first day have I spent the majority of the day in tears. Wondering if I’m a bad mother for wanting to go back to work. Wondering if I’m a bad mother for wanting her to be in daycare to be exposed to other kids and learning opportunities. Wondering if I’m a bad mom for supplementing breastfeeding with formula. Wondering if I’m a bad mom because I’m not pumping overflow to be able to stock pile or donate. Wondering if I’m a bad wife because all the laundry and all the dishes are not clean all the time. And wondering how someone so tiny can have such a huge impact on my life and teach me the beauty of love more than she has… I can’t imagine life without her and I never knew that I could love someone so entirely. I mean, every time I look at her my heart just melts. Every time she smiles at me my world stops. So I wonder these things because I want the very best for my tiny sidekick.