- 11 lbs 4.8oz
- 24.5 ins
- breastfeeding, pumping, and formula
- moved into 0-3 month clothing! some newborn stuff (dresses & bloomers) still fit, but she is too long for those onesies & footed pjs now and her leggings are more like capris!
- size 1 diapers
Little miss continues to grow! She’s in the 50th percentile for height and now bumped up to in between the 2nd & 5th percentile for weight. She’s looking like she’ll be long and skinny for a while! This month Glenn celebrated his first Father’s Day and Emma did her first craft at daycare as a preset for him 🙂 I can’t wait to get more crafts from her! Emma has started laughing a lot this month and it is SO FUNNY to watch her giggling. She’s also started making all sorts of “talking” noises in addition to her little babbling sounds. She has even started this one noise that sounds like a pterodactyl! If only we knew what she was trying to say to us! She is so curious about her environment and is grabbing at things, and interacting more with her hanging toys and rattles as well. She has started showing early signs of teething so bibs are key for the drool and she also likes to chew on them. She is not a fan of the cold teether objects but does like the silicone ones. We love Ryan & Rose Cutie Clips and have them for all her pacis and they are perfect for the teethers too. Bath time has become a bit more fun and a little easier too now that she’s able to sit up more. She’s had a runny nose for practically a month now so that’s been no fun and has thrown off her sleep a bit so we’re hoping it will clear up soon! We did find this breathe easy rub though from the Honest Co. that has really helped!
- giggling – especially when daddy makes silly noises
- putting everything in her mouth – especially her hands!
- dancing nonstop
- raising her arms up
- holding her head up & looking around
Her little personality continues to blossom and is so fun! She loves being int he middle of everything and being able to see what’s going on. She’s been doing so well holding her head up and sitting up with assistance in her Bumbo chair and in her high chair at the table. She also loves what we have dubbed “the diva pose” where she can see over your shoulder and look around the room. She is so funny about it! She also refuses to take naps when there are a lot of people around because she doesn’t want to miss anything. It’s so funny because you can see her little eyes getting heavy but she’ll fight it like crazy (without getting fussy) and then crashes once we get back in the car. For the Fourth of July she had her first lake experience and was such a trooper with all the family around! When we left, we had barely clicked her car seat in and she was out she was so exhausted! Since she’s been so talkative and alert, my old go to of putting her in the solly at church hasn’t been as effective since she doesn’t want to sleep and wants to tell us all about what she’s thinking! While it’s adorable, it’s a bit distracting, so she and I have opted on several occasions to walk the prayer labyrinth during the sermon instead. This past Sunday was the first time we took her to the nursery during worship and she was a rock star!
- being left out – she likes to see what’s going on!
- 3-5 pm – she’s fighting her nap here & gets a bit fussy
- not much else! she’s a really happy baby!