- 17lbs (not official)
- 27 inches
- formula, oatmeal, and single foods
- 3-6 month clothing. She’s moved into some 6 month clothes too! Give me all the legging and cardigan combos!
- size 2 diapers
Another month with lots of firsts! It baffles me each day we get to love this little girl and be her parents. My heart is so full of joy to be her mommy! She was taught all about fall and all things pumpkin (see our pictures here) this past month in preparation for fall. Also, Halloween was a success, and she was the cutest little Nemo around! We also celebrated mommy’s birthday and she had a blast getting to come sit with us at dinner & watching everyone who passed by. She’s standing up like a champ these days and loves pulling up on any and every thing in sight. We’ve had to lower her crib down and put her bumpers and rail guard on as well! She got her first ear infection and was a pitiful little cuddle monster, but mommy enjoyed staying home and snuggling! She has also really started to enjoy bath time since she can splash around now and play with her duckies & frogs!
- bath time! now that she’s got some toys and can splash around, she’s in heaven.
- sweet potatoes & carrots
- pulling up on everything and trying to walk around
- scooting around in her walker or crawling
- pre nap snuggles
Our friend got a brand new tiny puppy (GSP just like Riley) and Emma has loved having a puppy around that her size to play with! She’s been crusing around in her walker and trying to walk along the couch and coffee table too. Every time she falls she pops back up and tries again, and of course pokes that little lip out while she’s at it 😉 She was able to hang out with us during Celebration Sunday this year (when Pops wasn’t showing her off to everyone!) and she loved watching us! We got this cool new cart cover complete with a cushion since she’s so tiny, but she enjoys peeking over to see what goodies we’ve gotten more instead of sitting!
- laying on her back (she’s in a phase where she needs to be quite occupied to stay on her back when changing her diaper)
- being strapped in anywhere initially – she loves to explore and move around too much to be locked in!
- being left out – she likes to be involved 🙂
She is just exploring her little environment and we love how curious she is! And she continues to “talk” up a storm and her little voice just makes my heart happy. I can’t believe how big she’s getting and how much she’s learning!