This was a special month as this marked the same amount of time that she was in the womb compared to being out in the world. 39 weeks. It’s absolutely crazy to me that it’s been that long and how different things are now! It seems like so long ago, but so close at the same time. I feel like we need to start planning her first birthday party too! And it’s her first Christmas! Man, this month is on overload with the emotions for this mama. I still just can’t understand how lucky we are to be her parents. She is such an amazing part of our little family and I wouldn’t change it for the world!
- 19 lbs (unofficial)
- 29 inches (unofficial)
- formula, oatmeal, all sorts of veggies & fruits & combinations!
- 3-6 months, 6 months, 6-9 months – it just depends on which brand!
- size 2 diapers (but moving into size 3)
Emma celebrated her first Thanksgiving and rather enjoyed it! Of course so much of this month has revolved around Christmas firsts for Emma. She “helped” put up the lights and decorate the tree. She got to meet Santa (more on that in another post…). She’s helping wrap gifts. Basically, she’s been mommy’s little elf and I have loved every moment of it! I can’t wait to see her reactions for all the Christmas festivities. Last year, Emma was in full movement during the Christmas Eve Eve service so I wonder if she’ll love it as much this year!
- bath time! she loves splashing
- scooting around in her walker
- stacking our wooden coasters
- imitating noises & hand motions
She’s really started imitating us more this past month and it is just adorable. Her favorite thing to do is say “woof” (which comes out really just as the “fffff” sound but is so precious) right now when the puppy is around. She loves her puppy dog so much! I swear that puppy will be her first word. But I’m also working really hard on mama so we’ll see 😉 She’s got a lot of sounds down and we’re working to have her imitate those sounds from us when an object is present that starts with that sound. For example, “bbbb” for her bottle. And out comes the BCBA! But honestly she is making all the sounds and babbling like crazy, I just know she’s telling us something quite important.
- still laying on her back without distractions
- being left with other than family
- taking something away from her, or blocking her from getting something she wants (like Riley’s disgusting chewed on bones…yuck)
So, little miss is also becoming a bit of a diva. Now that she is a master crawler and trying to walk (she can stand by herself for a few seconds before grabbing on again!) she is ALL OVER THE PLACE and trying to get into everything. Generally speaking, this isn’t really an issue, except for a few things for the puppy. And let me tell you, she is not a fan of us stopping her from getting to those items! She wants to get in the puppy’s water and food bowls, and try to steal her bones and will scamper herself on over to those items only to be scooped up & then the fussing ensues. It’s really hard not to laugh when that little lip pokes out in protest, especially when she stops fussing long enough to see if you’re watching.
Needless to say, we’re working on not getting our way 😉