Tonight we’ll be attending our Christmas Eve Eve Service – a tradition I love! Our contemporary service has this banjo filled stories & songs event complete with hot cocoa and treats that the whole family can enjoy! Emma was dancing up a storm last year, so I can’t wait to see her reaction this year.
If you’re following along on Instagram (which you totally should) you saw a glimpse at our Christmas cards this year. We always keep our cards from every year on a ring. We have another ring to keep the cards we receive and keep them out on the end table or coffee table in the living room. Then, we leave the cards out to flip through and pray for the families and friends pictured. These little breath prayers have been a wonderful reminder to constantly be lifting up the ones we love!
We’ve being doing Christmas cards since we got married, and always use Shutterfly. I just love how easy they are to use! I also have a Shutterfly Share site, so keeping up with ALL of our pictures in quite simple. And it makes it that much easier when I want to order a photo book, cards, etc. Seriously, we love them. Anyhow, here’s a little glimpse into our decor this year. I cannot wait to spend this weekend celebrating the wonder of Christmas with Emma! Wishing your family a wonderful & very merry Christmas this year!