Happy Valentine’s Day! Before you run away with fear of all the mushy gushy nonsense that typically comes with this day of hearts, I challenge you to stick around and hear me out! Did you know today marks the end of National Marriage Week? I know everyone tends to focus on just today as the special celebration of love. But there’s a whole week dedicated to it! And several of my blogger friends refer to this as the month of love stretching it over the course of February, which I’m particularly keen to. And whether you’ve been marries a few days or years, there’s always room to rekindle the flame of love.
While times like these are perfect to focus on love, I would say that any day can be the day to truly show someone you care and every day should be filled with love. If you’ve been in a relationship for a while, then you know that after that honeymoon phase wears off and “real life” hits you marriage is hard work & sometimes you need to intentionally seek out ways to rekindle the butterflies in your relationship. This Valentine’s Day, I’ve got 5 steps to doing just that. Get started showing your significant other just how much you love them!
Pray For, and With, One Another | Sometimes, we just need to refocus our hearts. When you spend time in prayer for the people you love, it makes a difference. It’s hard to be praying for someone, and be bitter with them. It’s hard to be praying for someone, and not be thankful for them. Prayer is such an intimate conversation, and when couples pray together it can strengthen that intimacy! Nothing draws me closer to my husband than when I know he is seeking Christ and praying for me. It only makes me love him more!
Make Date Night a Priority | This one is huge! You need to spend time with one another in order to get those little flutters. Now date night doesn’t always mean 5 star restaurants. And that’s ok! If you can’t get a babysitter often, it may not even mean leaving the house. Again, so ok! Figure out what works for you and plan out a few “dates” a month. Here’s some ideas that won’t break the bank: watch a movie after the kids go to sleep. Have a picnic lunch at a park. Take a walk at the farmer’s market. Get creative and be intentional with spending time one on one.
Put Away Technology | So clearly if you’re reading this you’ve got a computer, smartphone or tablet. All of which are great things! But one thing I’ve found to be such a killer of romance (or really just happiness) in spending time with your spouse is technology. If one of you is on the phone, and the other the iPad, it’s hard to connect. In today’s world where being connected is so important, this one is tough. While I know it isn’t always feasible, make it a point to leave the phone out of reach when you’re spending quality time with your significant other. Talk to each other! Explore current topics – discuss your day – make each other laugh. There’s something to be said for “being present” and in the moment.
Do a Relationship “Check Up” | For real. Sometimes, all you need to revitalize your relationship and rekindle those butterflies is just to take a look at what’s working! The Couple Checkup is powered by PREPARE/ENRICH and is a super helpful tool to pinpoint areas in your relationship that are strengths, and areas that could use some growth. Check out this post for all the details on the info you get! This has become an annual tradition of ours after our anniversary. To really take an inventory of what areas we need to continue in and what needs some attending to. Especially after having Emma where there have been so many changes to our schedules and such! Use this link to sign up for the assessment (seriously doesn’t take long at all) or enter to win one below!
Celebrate Valentine’s Day! | Ok, ok, I know. It’s totally a Hallmark Holiday, but there is so much potential here. I’m not saying you should submit to the cliché chocolate & roses if that’s not your thing (I would so much rather my husband send me flowers on literally any other day than Valentine’s Day), but I am saying you should celebrate LOVE. For us this usually means a fancy meal at home & munching on our favorite candies. It doesn’t have to be a big spectacle, but let’s be realistic – putting forth a little extra on the 14th isn’t such a bad thing. Spending a day focusing on your love for one another is important (think anniversaries) so why not use this day to do just that!
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