Series is a book review and study of Richard Foster’s Book, Celebration of Discipline. All quotes from the book are Foster unless otherwise denoted.
The last section of the disciplines is the corporate disciplines. This is the area where congregations typically focus, and where I’ll be spending some time over the next few weeks – specifically finishing out this section with worship, guidance, and celebration.
Corporate Disciplines:
The last three of these disciplines focus on the community aspect of faith. An aspect that is absolutely vital. While there is certainly value and necessity in cultivating your personal relationship with Christ, being surrounded by strong community is what we were made for. We were designed to live together, in community. The church itself acts as a part of this larger community. But then you need to pair it down as well.
Call them your squad, your tribe, whatever – you need them in your life. A smaller group of people that are going to champion you. Encourage you. And walk through both the difficult and exciting times of life. So join in as we delve in the remaining three corporate disciplines.
To recap all of the spiritual disciplines from Foster’s book, check out the full series: Celebrating the Spiritual Disciplines