Emma Bear,
My sweet little tiny tiger. We have so many nicknames for you it seems! I can’t believe you are about to be a year old. It seems like just yesterday your daddy and I learned that you were going to join our family. That we were going to have a daughter. I remember anxiously awaiting every appointment because hearing your little heartbeat made my day. For 39 weeks we watched you grow, prayed for you, and prepared for your arrival.
March 15 couldn’t come soon enough! You came into this world and immediately stole my heart. I spent countless hours nursing you, snuggling, rocking, bouncing, and playing in those first few months at home. On Tuesdays, when daddy got home, we’d make our weekly trip to Sonic for happy hour slushes. Riding in the car was so fun for you! Weekly target trips quickly became your favorite as well.
I remember those first few weeks and countless trips to the doctors. Worrying about how tiny you were. Worrying about your little head rounding out. Your little hips lining up correctly. All the scans and xrays of your tiny little frame. And googling way too much about anything and everything. But quickly we learned your cries, your whimpers, and even your little noises and sounds. I’ll never forget our little conversations in the mornings when you’re most talkative!
Going back to work and taking you to daycare was so much more difficult than I ever imagined. I cried every day that first week after dropping you off! I wish I could spend all day with you by my side! Or strapped on – oh how you loved to be snuggled up in the solly wrap when you weren’t swaddled up in your little cocoon. Daddy did the best swaddling, but snuggles with mommy are still your favorite – especially when you’re sleepy or sick.
Somewhere along the way you become my mini me. My tiny little sidekick. I hope you forever stay that way. Mommy and daughter dates are by far my favorite. You make life so fun with your precious little personality. Your little smile and silly giggles are contagious. You’ve already taught me so much about love, patience, and joy. You make me better daily and I am so lucky to get to be your mom.
Over this past year you’ve grown into such an incredibly beautiful and inquisitive little girl. You love exploring and are quite the problem solver already! I’ll never forget when you started crawling, or when you took your first steps.Or when your little teeth finally starting cutting through, and everything became a teething toy. Or how you stick your little lip out when you’re upset and how it melts mommy and daddy every time. Every time you crawl up in my lap or lift your arms up to be held my heart just explodes. And when you grab on tight, I can’t imagine ever letting you go.
I pray that you continue to be fearless and love with reckless abandon. I pray you never cease to freely share what is yours with others without question. And I pray you continue to trust easily, express emotions freely, and always keep exploring. You are the greatest joy that has come into our little family and you are more loved than you know. I can’t wait to continue watching you learn and grow. I love you so much my tiny tiger!