So much has happened in the last three months! I cannot believe our tiny tiger is already 15 months old. Emma is growing up way too fast, but she is so much fun! She is learning lots and it is a blast watching her explore her little world. We celebrated her first birthday with a simple girly party and it was perfect! I finally finished her baby book, and am SO glad I took the time to do it over the course of the year. It’s been great to look back at and was well loved at her party as well. One of our friends is quite the talented photographers, and she asked if she could use Emma for upcoming Spring ads so we did a little photo shoot with Brittany that turned out simply adorable. Emma evidently is quite the fan of picture taking! For her birthday, we got her a teepee to corral all her toys and have a designated space for her to play in the living room and she loves her little “happy place” and so does mommy! Emma celebrated her first real Easter & participated in a few egg hunts this year too. It was so funny watching her collect the eggs in her basket, especially because she kept pouring them out at the house just to pick them up again. All while wearing her bunny ears headband! Seriously, I cannot get over how funny her little personality is!
- 21 lbs 5 oz
- 30 inches
- whole milk in her sippy cups and finger foods, basically anything and everything we put in front of her!
- mostly 12 months– it just depends on which brand! Some 9 months & some 12-18 months too.
- size 4 diapers (and swim diapers finally fit for real!)
She is obsessed with “outside” & balls and wants to play with the puppy nonstop. Her vocabulary is growing and “outside” and “ice” are her favorites, along with “shoes”, “bow”, “hat”, and “socks” – daddy is going to be in trouble later if this accessory obsession keeps up! She’s been to the pool before, but this year we also have the mini pool we brought to the beach last year and she could spend all day splashing around in there. Emma experienced her first of our annual crawfish boils, and now even has a little play crawfish boil set Madre found in NOLA! It is precious. While I can’t hardly believe it, she has graduated to a nap mat at daycare, and I found the cutest one on Amazon of all places! Having a girl is making me want to monogram ALL THE THINGS too so don’t be surprised if you see more of her precious monogram or mine around here. Well, I should clarify, not ALL the things, mainly accessory items like bags and cups, but for someone who never purchased anything monogrammed until last year, it feels like a LOT! Anyhow, with it being so hot here, Emma has been wearing the cutest little dresses and tanks and we found the most adorable pjs from GAP. Seriously, I’m obsessed with their summer line.
- doing everything by herself
- hats
- mac n cheese
Now that Emma is playing with more items and really enjoying her books, we were excited about trying Incredibundles to spice up her arsenal. She is also has really started to enjoy the playground too. Especially the slides and swinging. There’s this little wooden train over near Ross Bridge where we walk sometimes, and Emma had a blast playing around in/on it recently too. Last month, Emma took her first flight and had her first big adventure on our Denver trip and she was such a champ! Something she’s started in the last month or so too which melts my heart has been carrying her stuffed animals around and wanting to give them cuddles. She loves to tote her bunnies around and give you a hug in the process too. Melt.
- not getting her way (DIVA)
- really that’s it. Especially when it comes to wanting to be picked up or to get milk.