Right about now you’ve probably seen a plethora of posts ALL about the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, and if you’re like me, you might be a tad overwhelmed by it all (especially if you live somewhere that doesn’t have a Nordstrom – I mean, hello Bham, get with the program already.) But one thing the sale has gotten me thinking about is how we as women can (and should) take time for ourselves.
You see, it is SO important to be the best version of yourselves, not just for you, but for everyone in your life. You may remember earlier this year when I talked about intentionally choosing to find joy in simplicity and how Emily’s words really hit a cord with me. Well, it’s got me thinking about how I can be the best version of myself, one that is full of joy because I’ve allowed myself to be poured into instead of always (and only) pouring out.
I spent a few months at the beginning of the year really mapping out what things made me happy that were really just for me. Not for anyone else, but just me. Now, it’s taken me a while to move out of thinking it was selfish of me to want to take some time for myself, but slowly, I’ve come to realize that not only is it not selfish, it’s actually the best thing I can do for everyone in my little circle. You see, when I’m happy with myself (how I feel, how I look, etc.) I am so much more likely to extend that grace and cheer to those around me. Unfortunately, the opposite is true as well, and let’s be real – the saying is true – if mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. In May, I really started putting this to practice and y’all the results are truly astounding.
So ladies, whether you’re a mama, a wife, a roommate, a boss, a student – you name it – give yourself permission to take care of YOU before you take care of everyone else in your life. Here are 5 simple examples of things you can do to time for yourself:
Spa day: Massage, Mani, Pedi, Tan
This is honestly something I love doing, but rarely do. So much so that my husband has started getting me gift certificates so that I can’t say no to it. It’s incredible how much a pedicure boosts my mood, especially during summer where sandals are on constant rotation. And there is just something about a great manicure that makes you feel so much more put together. Another thing for me that makes me feel more confident is having a tan. And while we all know that adulting means not laying out by the pool daily, there are really some great options out there to boost your color so pick your preference and go for it. A little color goes a long way to feeling like the best version of yourself.
While we’re talking spa days, ladies, get that massage you’ve been wanting! Stop procrastinating and schedule a time to do it. Regardless of your stage of life, chances are you deal with people that stress you out and could use a little muscle relaxation. My tip, schedule a day in advance when the husband is occupied, the kids are at daycare/grandma’s, and you have ample time to do a combination. Make it a day and truly relax – don’t stress yourself out even more trying to “fit it in” somewhere in your schedule.
Salon Day
While we’re focusing on our outward appearance here, don’t forget to schedule a day at the salon. Get the full deal with a wash, cut, and style (and perhaps some color too if that’s your thing) and lay back and enjoy the pampering. Let’s be real, I’m lucky if I wash my hair once a week and actually style it once a month, much less go to the salon more than twice a year. But that’s changed recently, and I must say when my hair feels healthy, I feel more confident styling it, and therefore overall more confident.
Shopping trip
Ok, so I promise I’m not saying simply get a makeover all the time & only focus on your outward appearance, but whether we choose to believe it or not, your outward appearance is quite important to your overall wellbeing. Now, before you get all judgy on me, hear me out. How your portray yourself outwardly is a reflection of who your inward personality is. This is so important in the business world, but also in friendships, and family relationships. I’ve always been told “dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” and I love that quote and think it applies to all of these areas. When it comes to clothing, you need to know your style of course, but fit is truly most important.
This is where the shopping trip comes in! (Which, seriously, you can’t go wrong right now with the NSale). Clothing still a little snug post baby? Get a few staples you can wear while you lose the weight! Lost a lot of weight? Quit wearing those frumpy items that swallow you and size down. If you’re constantly tugging at your clothing, not only with you feel uncomfortable, but everyone around you will notice it too. When you’re wearing items that fit you and that you love, you’re mess less likely to be worried about them, and be able to be happier all around!
Exercise: bootcamp, barre, yoga
This is so important and I can’t stress it enough! Just like you need to work your mind to keep it sharp, you obviously need to work your body to keep it in shape. And I don’t just mean to be skinny or lose weight. I mean to keep your muscles strong and your flexibility, and even your joints. Exercising gives you energy, increases your metabolism, and relieves stress. So whether it’s weights , cardio, barre, yoga, or even just walking – get out and get moving!
For the longest time I struggled to find time to fit in the kind of workouts I wanted to do because I felt guilty for taking time for myself after work. I tried quieter workouts super early in the morning but that was a bust (because a. mornings suck & b. the elliptical and yoga stuff is right above EK’s room), and late nights were a no go because of the later as well. I hate running (yuck) and again the whole night thing. So ladies, I feel ya. It’s hard to find time to do it and you can make every excuse in the book and we all know they are more than valid. But y’all, the hour a day I spend at Squad makes all the difference in the world. Find what you want to do and go for it.
Read your favorite magazine or a good book
And finally, take a moment to relax, get that cup of coffee (or wine) and read something for pleasure. Get the latest Cosmo, or Real Simple and load up on ideas for the upcoming month. Grab a book you’ve been dying to read. And I’m talking about the things that are easy beach type reads. Not school books, or tough make-you-contimplate-your-entire-life-and-faith kind of books. Quick easy, breeze through it items that aren’t gut wrenching or brain draining. (Don’t get me wrong – read those too – just have some easy pieces around to flip through and slow down with). I am up to my ears in journal articles and book chapters for school, but I try to make it a point to flip through any one of the magazines we have lying around once in a while to clear my mind a bit. My go-tos are Real Simple (always) and lately, VOUGE & In Style.
What do you do to take time for yourself?