If you read one of my recent posts, you’ll know I’ve really started to become serious about taking time for myself (and you should be too!) so that I can be the best version of me in all areas of life. One of the ways I’ve been doing that is by finally getting back into an exercise routine. After Emma was born, it was a struggle to exercise more than some light cardio, and I wasn’t cleared for any ab work for a considerable amount of time either. And breastfeeding didn’t immediately shed the pounds (evidently I’m the only mom in the world). So in May, I took the plunge and went from exactly zero days at the gym to 5 days/week of intensity at Squad. I wanted to capture my progress in an effort to help motivate myself, and thought it might be encouraging to someone else as well.
Not to mention, hilarious. So every time I left Squad, I popped out my notes on my phone, and wrote these little gems. You see, real life involves failures, and not everything is as picture perfect as it seems on Instagram. So know you’re not alone, lady. We can be a hot mess together. 😉
SQUAD | day by day breakdown (M-F) – date at end of day 1 of week
1: vomited & almost blacked out at the end. Cried all the way home. (5/9)
2: couldn’t move my arms to drive. Cried all the way home.
3: bicycle crunches & c-sections don’t mix. Cried all the way home.
4: finished the whole workout- was last. But I didn’t die. Or cry. Victory!
-rest sat- sun & family walks 5 lbs gained- WTF??
5: I enjoyed it! In that weird way you enjoy utter misery in the moment b/c you know the end goal is worth it. Could hardly move at the end… (Diet started- Protein shakes are AWFUL) (5/15)
6: pulled groin – also, new blue pants & v sweat is a real deal.
7: pulled an ab – MISERABLE.
8: coughed all night & today; tonsillitis part 2, so no shakes – enjoyed the rowing – I like seeing data on the screen! – sooo tired.
9: my jeans (that I’ve worn practically daily for the past year) met their demise & my new jeans are a size smaller (success!)- can’t stomach the protein shakes still – literally face-planted during clapping push-ups.
-rest sat- sun & family walks
10: homemade protein bars > shakes. Kettle ball all arm workout means my arms are still shaking. Did it though! (5/22)
11: running late so I was a solo group- not fun bc I had to keep asking questions. And I like the competition of a group!
12: bosu ball push up things are the devil.
13: by Thursday’s I usually feel pretty good – I like the TRX sprint & row crunches.
-Denver 5/26-5/30 – I toured the gym… but never used it, sadly. And I even brought my tennis shoes!
14: thought I would die tonight, but no vomit for me! It was SUPER tough and I didn’t feel as energetic throughout the workout but I pushed through (upset stomach from lack of options for lunch given no store run)! Also sidebar – one girl had a zip top on (and no forseeable sports bra) and the ladies were about to bounce right on out during one of the exercises. I mean, I don’t understand how she wasn’t in pain the whole time. (5/31)
15: holy ab workout. I hurt places I didn’t know I could.
16: all the sweat. Like disgusting. I feel like I’m improving though! Burpees still suck.
-rest sat- sun & family walks- extra stretching (look for gym bag)
17: finished 3rd in my group so I’ll call that success – curls while standing on the bosu ball are ridiculous (6/5)
18: can’t figure out band squats to save my life – need lots of practice.
19: was made to do pull ups with the band – I almost died. Literally. I can’t lift my phone now.
20: bear crawl is terrible forwards but beyond horrid backwards. But my gym bag came in! LOVE.
Lake 6/9-11 (tried to go to noon class on 6/9 but work sucked & couldn’t get away) – total cheat on diet (hello to the most glorious shrimp & grits the husband has ever made!) but kept small portions- 11 lbs lost (pre trip)
21: gloves are a must for kettle bell anything. Nobody wants man hands!
22: I did clapping push ups! (with the TRX but still no knees & no face-planting.)
23: boxer braids for the win! Also- leggings were meant to be worn sans undies- amazing. However my whole body aches. Legs. Arms. It all burns and shakes.
24: all the rain. Forgot it started at 4:30. Got there at 4 & no one was there. Tiny class. Broad jumps & burpees are intense! Bought a squad tank. It’s official, I kinda like the crazy.
25: met a friend! Well, someone who’s been going this whole time as me just introduced herself to me, so now I know someone’s name besides the trainers. But I’ll call it a win. Also, TRX pull ups are better! (And by better I mean anything other than band pull ups are amazing.)
-rest sat- sun & family walks- extra stretching 12 lbs lost total
26: forgot my shoes – honestly can’t believe it’s the first time I have forgotten something essential.
27: rough. Partner workout is intense. And kinda weird when you just the met the person. Just sayin’.
28: headaches suck. Got dizzy. Pain at my incision. Abs still need a LOT of work to get back to before.
29: storms = no power so closed.
30: death = wall balls & burpees back to back for 4 minutes. In case you were wondering.
-rest sat- sun & family walks- extra stretching 13 lbs lost total
(7weeks total from start & almost halfway point for 3 mo period)
Overall, I’ve actually really enjoyed the experience! As of last week I’d lost 18 lbs, and am inching towards my pre-pregnancy goal. While it’s been hard for me to have to wait till now to start, healing after the c-section proved a bit more lengthy than anticipated. SO while I wish I could have started sooner, I’m excited to be at it now!
It really is a little squad and I love the communal aspect of it. I get texts & calls from my main “coach” (the lead trainer) to check in and answer questions. The head hancho sends texts and videos for reference on proper technique as well as motivation. They even send out a letter of encouragement & squad sticker about a month in. There is an incredible amount of motivation & accountability throughout the week. During each workout, the trainers are helping with technique, modeling if needed and spending 1:1 time helping you get better. They encourage you to push through, challenge you to push harder, and praise you for working hard.
Another thing I like is that Squad is much like ABA – bare with me while I nerd out. They take data on the number of reps you get during certain sessions, or the time it takes you to complete certain workouts – and it actually graphs your results in the system. Seriously, obsessed. And maybe most importantly, while it uses competition, the data is really just to compare to yourself and your progress. While tracking weight loss shows progress, improvement in time or reps or weight used are all also great indicators of progress. Especially as building muscle doesn’t always mean loosing weight. I wish I would have taken body measurements on day 1 to be able to compare as well, but better late than never.
My goal during this first 3 months has been to go 5 days/week, and while I haven’t hit that every week given trips and other events, I’ve stayed pretty true to that.