After I posted my experience with Squad Fitness y’all have been asking when I go with my work schedule and how I get ready, so I wanted to share that today! Since the husband goes to work at the crack of dawn, and I take Emma to daycare before work, my options for the gym are either a.) during my lunch or b.) after work. Considering a Squad workout is rather intense and (let’s be real) I will be a hot sweaty mess afterwards, after work is really the only option. So after work I go! I usually bring my gym bag in after lunch and then change at work before I head over. Sometimes I’ll change once I get there, but it’s honestly just easier in my office. The key to being workout ready though, is having the perfect gym bag essentials packed and ready to go.
First of all, you need to find a cute gym bag! I got this VS duffle on eBay but this one is almost identical. I love that it is lightweight, breathable, and waterproof. And it has handles & a shoulder strap. I pinned this exact one Pinterest a while back. I had been searching for something similar when I came across the exact one in a search randomly one day, so think outside the box if you have a vision of what you want. So I was beyond excited to find it! Seriously, it’s perfect.
A great pair of tennis shoes! My Nike’s were a Christmas gift from last year, but I am loving this simple version too. I have forgotten my shoes twice now. It’s seriously something you can’t really work around, so these are definitely a must to make sure are packed.
Along with shoes, you need some sweat wicking socks. These ones are my favorites because they have some cushion and are colorful and fun too!
You need to be drinking lots of water throughout the day, so toss in a water bottle to bring to class too. I love the my Camelbak one that has naturally been branded with a little Auburn love. It not only makes staying hydrated cute, but it beats waiting on the water fountain in between activities.
Keep extra hair ties & headbands along with a brush in your bag. If you’ve got a lot of hair, braiding is totally the way to go to keep everything out of the way. My hair is just long enough now that a simple pony just won’t do. It hits me in the face, so a messy bun or boxer braids win out every time. An elastic headband not only keeps the fly aways at bay, but also helps with sweat. (Can y’all tell I’m a super sweater? Seriously, no “glistening” over here – it’s ridiculous.)
Clearly, if you’re coming from work, you’ll need to change into some adorable leggings & tank! Now, it’s blazing hot on the daily here in Alabama. But yes, I still stay leggings, especially for bootcamp type workouts. You do lots of squats and other movements that shorts would just be annoying with. Plus, there are SO many adorable leggings & tanks out there that the hardest part about this will be picking which set to bring. This mesh back tank and these mesh panel leggings (that have side pockets!) are easily my new favorites.
Ladies, a good fitting sports bra, can make or break your workout so pack accordingly! You know I love Target, so it’s no surprise that I’ve found some great low cost options there that are both adorable & functional.
If you’re planning on using any weights or kettle bells, you’ll need some gloves. So if you’ve never done weights before, this might be a weird one to you. But let me tell you how important it is to have gloves if you plan on using them! I had NO CLUE about them when I first started going to squad even though I had done weight lifting before. I had really never done anything with kettle bells, though. Unless you want calloused man hands (for real though), invest in a pair. I have really small hands so I was excited when I found this pair because the fit & aren’t too bulky plus they have the open fingers.
Keep your energy up with some tasty energy gummies. I mentioned these recently when I was talking about mom life essentials with a toddler & they are seriously my go to for a quick pop of energy when a cup of coffee just isn’t feasible. They really do the trick!
Along with staying hydrated, keep some chapstick and deodorant in your bag too. I always like to refresh the deo before and after the workout and same with chapstick. My lips are always first to go when I get dehydrated so I always make sure to keep them covered. While I am totally a Nivea lover usually, I’ve found the EOS balls are the best for my gym bag since the top screws on. Plus, they are just fun and come in lots of flavor options!
What are your gym bag essentials?? I would love to hear what you keep in yours!