18 months. I mean, how in the world is our precious baby girl already 18 months old?! It’s been 3 months since our last update and we’ve been up to so much! Emma is continuing to blossom and her little personality is just so BIG and adorable, and sassy, and independent, and I can’t get enough. She is learning so fast, and gets more inquisitive every day!
- 23 lbs
- 32.2 inches
- whole milk in her sippy cups and finger foods, basically anything and everything we put in front of her! She started eating meats a lot better and is a big fan of chicken fingers now which is huge! She still doesn’t eat a ton, but she certainly eats when she’s hungry. Especially her little “fishy fishies”.
- mostly 12 months– it just depends on which brand! Some 9 months & some 12-18 months too.
- size 4 diapers moving into 5 for Honest Co (which, y’all. adorable – try a FREE trial & get $10 for your first order here!)
We spent the summer hitting up the park and spending most weekends splashing in the pool in the back yard. Emma had her first trip to the zoo and was every bit as obsessed as we thought she’d be. She even carried her turtle around the entire time. She is totally in a cuddle phase with her stuffed animals, and I can’t get enough of it. She loves “turtle” and “bunny” and “bear” and always likes to have one of them tucked under her arm. And she’s started to “feed” them or try to give them her bottle and it’s so precious! She moved up classrooms which moved her to the big building and she looks all grown up in her little classroom. Every morning when I drop her off all her little classmates start saying her name over and over too and it’s so cute. I know it’s silly since she’s so young, but I love that she has little friends at daycare and is learning all sorts of things daily with them.
She is always wanting to help us out, and is the best tiny sidekick around. Perhaps the cutest was her trying to help daddy wash mommy’s car. Or her idea of assisting in a styled shoot. She’s always got to be in the middle of everything and while sometimes it can make things rather difficult, I cherish these moments that she wants to do everything we’re doing because I know they won’t last.
- mac and cheese & quesedillas
- water – pool, ocean, bath time – everything water!
- outside – all the time.
- always having a drink in her hand – with ice!
- not being able to say everything she wants to say!
- not being held when she wants to – she will stick that little lip out!
- basically when she doesn’t get her way…
Since she’s all about helping, we’ve got her helping with chores, like feeding the puppy, helping with laundry, and picking up her toys. She loves brushing her teeth (and her hair) and is still obsessed with her accessories (hello bows, shoes, and bracelets – aka hair ties). We went back to the beach this year and she had a blast! We got the most precious tiny little flip flops ever and her tiny webbed toes never looked more precious. (all the heart eyes!) I need to do a post on that trip! But in a short recap, between her pool on the beach, the sand, the fish, and the pool she was worn out!
She’s been stringing together more little words and phrases and is trying so hard to communicate with us! She’s got a pretty big vocabulary and will repeat (or try to) everything you say so we label all sorts of things! Some of her favorite phrases currently:
- “where is it?” & “where is s/he?” complete with her little hands raised
- “I saw it!”
- “hold you”
And several others. She also still loves to say “no no” (mainly to the puppy) with her little finger up and it is SO hard not to laugh at her because her little face is so concerned and her little voice is so sweet. Otherwise, the only other newness is this reoccurring rash/hives/reaction that we CANNOT figure out so she is being referred to a pediatric dermatologist. It doesn’t seem to both Emma at all, but hopefully we can get to the bottom of it soon and figure out how to prevent it from happening. Otherwise, she’s healthy as can be and simply the best thing that ever happened to us. It still is surreal to say I’m her mommy, but I am forever thankful I get to be.