My dearest mini me,
Last week I was out of town for a conference, and while I knew I would miss you, I had no idea just how much until I got home. With technology these days, I know I could still hear your sweet voice, and see your precious face every day despite the distance, somewhat easing my mommy heart. But being away from you for an entire week took more of a toll than I imagined. And it wasn’t until your tiny arms wrapped around my neck when I got home that I fully realized why.
You see, while I could still see you and hear you and tell you how much I loved you, I didn’t get to hold you. I didn’t get to kiss your tiny nose, or hold your tiny hand, or scoop you up in my arms. While technology is so great, nothing beats face to face interaction. Nothing beats your outstretched arms and your tiny whisper pleading for me to “hold you”.
When I got home from a week away, there was a list exploding with things to be done, but instead, I held you.
Even when you didn’t need me to, because one day, you won’t want me to. One day you’ll be too big.
There was laundry to be done, dishes to washed, and beds to be made, but instead, I held you.
Even when it makes things more difficult to accomplish, because the chores will be there tomorrow.
There were papers to write, articles to read, and work to be finished, but instead, I held you.
And read your favorite book one more time, because family is the most important thing.
Because while you may be 20 months now, one day you will be 20 years old. And every day, you grow up just a little bit quicker. Become just a little more independent. And need mommy just a little bit less. So for now, in these moments, I want to look back and say, the world tried to steal my time, but instead, I held you.