If you’re like me, you want to show your kid’s teacher’s some love during the holidays without breaking the bank. And without spending hours on an overly complicated Pinterest worthy project. This year, I decided to make these adorable (and super simple!) reindeer mason jar teacher gifts and I just love how they turned out!
mason jar(s)
chocolate covered pretzels (1 bag of flipz will fill two jars)
pipe cleaners (2-3 per jar in brown or black)
red pom pom(s) (1 for each jar)
2 googly eyes (a pair for each jar)
glue gun
You can find all of this at Target or Walmart so no need to go off the beaten track to search out these items!
free printable found here
Tie on a tag and pass along to your kid’s teachers at school, daycare, Sunday school, babysitter, whoever! Seriously so simple. It took me about 5 minutes to make 4 of them. Merry Christmas! Looking for other ideas? Try this Christmas themed simple gift or this simple gift of gratitude, or even this generic thank you gift (all of which are super simple but way more fun than a giftcard!)