Emma’s second birthday was last month (how has it already been an entire month?!) and we had a lovely little gathering to celebrate our tiny tiger. When we asked Emma what she wanted for her birthday party, her one repeated response was “pink cupcakes!”. So, for year two, we went with a full pink theme, and she LOVED it. Living in a Pinterest perfect world, I’m not going to lie, I felt a lot of pressure to make her party instaworthy, but at the end of day simplicity won out and I am so glad it did. All Emma wanted was pink cupcakes – the rest didn’t matter at all to her, so why on earth was I going to stress out over creating this decadent event when the birthday girl purely wanting icing? So I gave myself grace, hit up Target, and knocked out the decor in one trip, and ordered our tiny diva the best pink iced cupcakes around.
Setting up an entire pink birthday party was so simple, so we loved it too. We all wore pink (even daddy!) – and Emma’s shoes were hands down my favorites! Honestly, the hardest part about getting everything ready for her party was finding my pink dress! I’ve linked everything at the end of this post, from our outfits to decor. And true story – Emma has been rocking her dress now for weeks on end and when I was looking for it to tag for this post I just found out it is in fact a shirt (insert face palm #momfail). But what can you do? I’m sure I can’t be the only one who would have made the same mistake…
We kept the decor understated & simple with pink for all the products, a few flowers & balloons, pink lemonade (mom tip: buy it in a bottle and pour it in a pitcher. Instant upgrade & complete ease. No one has time to make punch that doesn’t have spirits in it), and of course, pink cupcakes. If you haven’t heard me say this already, we adore Publix for all our bakery needs – close, super friendly, and of so tasty! I also had crystal bowls filled with pink candies – fruit snacks (her fave), jellybeans (daddy’s fave), and chocolates – all that were on super clearance from Valentine’s day and all so perfectly pink! Plus, we left up Vday decor till her birthday and just extended our celebration of love to keep the pink around a bit longer rather than taking it all down to turn around and put it right back up. The menu was a combination of her favorites – mac & cheese and chicken fingers with oriental slaw as an added touch for the adults.