Have you ever lost your voice? Lost the ability to share what’s on your mind because you just can’t quite mold the right words together? For the past month, that’s been me. It’s almost as if I couldn’t make my brain convey the swirl of thoughts I’ve had into something that makes any sense at all.
This space has always been a place for me to express the various areas of life – to write out the small details that make life beautiful, to wrestle with the doubts that break through, to share the strategies that have been helpful, and if along the way it was useful to someone else than that would be an amazing bonus. This space has grown over the years, and while blogging is by no means my full-time gig, I’ve come to truly ponder the mission of this space. And in this past month, it’s solidified my desire to leave a mark on this world by sharing how the world has left a mark on me.
“As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life – and travel – leaves marks on you. Most of the time, those marks – on your body or on your heart – are beautiful. Often, though, they hurt.” – Anthony Bourdain
Since college, if someone were to ask me my dream job, my answer would without fail would be to be the female Anthony Bourdain. I know, I know – seems a bit odd for my professional dream ‘role model’ to be someone who clearly denounced the very core of my beliefs, openly discussed his struggles with drugs & alcohol, and ultimately ended his life. But this was also a man whose passion radiated every aspect of his life. The way he wrote and spoke about food and travel captivated audiences and challenged people to rethink the way they viewed both.
I’ve always been drawn to people who are raw, real and unapologetically themselves. People who live their passion, and share it, without seeking anything in return. People who speak boldly, without holding back. Without limitation.
I’m drawn to this because I want to be this kind of person. And I want this to be that kind of space. One where I can freely share what’s on my mind. Whether it’s a review of a book I have a different opinion on, fashion finds, the rollercoaster that is marriage & parenthood, teachings or scripture I’m grappling with, recipes we’ve loved, or decor that makes our house a home. Because life is about community, and each of us is marked by our experiences to show others both the beauty and pain – to help each other live through it, scars and all.